* __Support for DNA and RNA as ligands__
* __Detection of metal complexes with proteins/ligands, including prediction of geometry__
* __Extended result files with detailed information on binding site residues and unpaired atoms__
*__Support for zipped and gzipped files__
* Rich verbose mode in command line with information on detected functional groups and interactions
* Automatic fixing of common errors in custom PDB files
* Refined binding site selection
* Better overall performance
* Initial test suite for metal coordination
* Classification of ligands
* Improves detection of aromatic rings and interactions involving aromatic rings
* Single nucleotides and ions not excluded anymore as ligands
* Generation of canonical smiles for complete (composite) ligands
* Generation of txt files is now optional
* Basic support for PDBQT files
* Correct handling of negative chain positions of ligands
* Improved check for valid PDB IDs
* Fixes several bugs