We have used the Ploigos step runner in enough real-world examples so that now API compatibility is important.
* Explicitly retrieve preferred encoding
* Add tox generic and tox unit test step implementer
* SemanticVersion - add option for auto-incrementing
* Add support for container images digests
* SonarQube updated to allow tokens
* Made ArgoCD smarter
* Allow custom ArgoCD project and custom deployment namespace
* SemanticVersion updated to include `build` number if given
* SemanticVersion updated to include `build` segment of semver in image tag using _ instead of + as separator since image tags do not support + char
Bug Fixes
* StepImplementers now prioritize non-default values over default values when checking multiple keys for value
Breaking Changes
* Generate metadata maven step now requires maven CLI
What's Changed
* Linting fixes by christophermay07 in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/218
* adding optional vars token and project-key by sroth1 in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/217
* refactor argocd to be generic by gfulton-redhat in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/216
* add tox generic and tox unit test step implementer by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/223
* deploy/ArgoCD and shared/ArgoCD - move the deploy specific docs, defaults, required keys, and validation from shared to deploy by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/221
* StepImplementerget_value - priortize any non-default value for any given possible key over any possible keys default by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/222
* add tox lint static analysis step implementer by cts-zeero in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/224
* Create stepimplementer for NPM UT and UAT by kharyam in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/227
* ArgoCDGeneric_argocd_app_sync - add wait before sync to try and workaround https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/issues/4505 by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/226
* container image digests by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/225
* Custom project name, namespace; allow no updating of cluster by christophermay07 in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/228
* SemanticVersion and Git cleanup/refactor by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/230
* generate_metadata.Jenkins - init add by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/231
* xml utils - fix the way aggregation works by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/233
* argocd - make it even smarter about waiting for existing operations by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/234
* Feature/maven auto increment by christophermay07 in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/235
* io utils - flush the stream on write to try and get better streaming output by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/236
* Refactored the code that parses Maven surefire XML files by dwinchell in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/240
* deploy - argocd - clean up argo app name better by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/237
* static code analysis - sonar - add sonar.branch.name flag by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/241
* Add install-first option to NpmTest by dwinchell in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/242
* ArgoCD - make it smart enough to handle an Applciation that goes into Degraded state while waiting for it to go Healthy state by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/244
* ArgoCD - make it even smarter so will try again no matter what state it transitions from to Degraded when waiting for Healthy after sync by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/245
* allow for mutliple test dirs in unit-test and uat - resolve issue 238 by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/239
* Feature/gen meta git commit by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/243
* generate-metadata.SemanticVersion - update to include 'build' portion by itewk in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/246
New Contributors
* gfulton-redhat made their first contribution in https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/pull/216
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ploigos/ploigos-step-runner/compare/v0.22.0...v1.0.0