New features:
- Configure edit urls for locking support, where locking support is enabled.
- Add ``i18n:attribute`` properies to all action nodes for FTI types.
- added few pypi links in 'Migration' section
Bug fixes:
- Marked relative location criterion robot test as unstable.
This needs further investigation, but must not block Plone development.
See issue https://github.com/plone/plone.app.contenttypes/issues/362
- Remove ``path`` index injection in "plone.collection" behaviors ``results`` method.
It is a duplicate.
Exactly the same is done already in the ``plone.app.querybuilder.querybuilder._makequery``,
which is called by above ``results`` method.
- Select all migratable types in migration-form by default. Fixes 193.
- Use zope.interface decorator.
- Mark robot test ``plone.app.contenttypes.tests.test_robot.RobotTestCase.Scenario Test Absolute Location Criterion`` as unstable.
This needs further investigation, but must not block Plone development.
- corrected typos in the documentation