- Make doctest comparison more robust against zope.component __repr__ changes. [thet]
- Corrected typo in warning. [jensens]
- Add name to behavior directive. This name can be used to lookup behavior registrations by new plone.behaviors.registration. lookup_behavior_registration function. [rnixx]
- Added more documentation, simplified code in directive, added a warning if ``for`` is given w/o ``factory``. [jensens]
- Remove dependence of tests on zope.app.testing. [davisagli]
- Relicense under BSD license. See http://plone.org/foundation/materials/foundation-resolutions/plone-framework-components-relicensing-policy [davisagli]
- Use stdlib doctest instead of the deprecated one in zope.testing. [davisagli]
- 'plone:behavior' zcml directive use now MessageID for title and description. [sylvainb]