- do not set overflow hidden on modal wrapper parent. This should already
be taken care of with plone-modal-open class being applied to the body.
This should fix issues with scrolling when this isn't properly cleared
- Changed how the querystring pattern displays options for path-based queries,
to improve usability for less tech-savvy users.
- Use ``selection.any`` in querystring pattern.
Issue https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/1040
- Import TinyMCE ``Content.Objects.less`` from the lightgray skin in ``less``
mode, not ``Content.less`` in ``inline`` mode.
Fixes plone/Products.CMFPlone/755 - visual aids not visible.
``Content.Objects.less`` also doesn't overwrite our fonts.
- Enforce a ``min-width`` for tables while editing and visual aids turned on.
Fixes plone/Products.CMFPlone920.
- Cleanup and rework: contenttype-icons and showing thumbnails
for images/leadimages in listings ...
- Fix flaky behavior of Resource Registries buttons