- add support for setting zeoserver as read only [vangheem]
- Add integration with ZRS [vangheem]
- Nothing changed yet.
- Adding ability to control output script name for repozo. Use the ``repozo-script-name`` option to change the script name. [do3cc]
- Adding ability to control output script name for zeopack. Use the ``zeopack-script-name`` option to change the script name. [davidjb]
- Fix zeopack connection handling. The previous fix to abort after a failed connection attempt only worked by chance and caused zeopack to exit before the packing finished. Now failed connections are correctly detected and zeopack waits until the packing is finished. [gaudenz]
- Fix custom zeo.conf support under windows. [rossp]
- When the zeoserver is not running, the zeopack script cannot do anything. So when zeopack cannot connect, it now quits with an error message. Formerly it would wait forever. [maurits]
- Added 'var' option like it is in plone.recipe.zope2instance. [garbas]