New features:
- Add `sort` feature to resort all folder items [petschki] (812)
- Remove unneeded stringtype checks [erral] (875)
- Enable Plone 4 Control Panels: Add-ons, Dexterity Content Types [avoinea] (984)
- Enhance traceback with ``__traceback_info__`` on import to detect the field causing the problem. [jensens] (1009)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed deprecation warnings for ``zope.site.hooks``, ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``
and ``plone.dexterity.utils.splitSchemaName``. [maurits] (975)
- Update tests to fix https://github.com/plone/plone.dexterity/pull/137 [avoinea] (#1001)
- Fix resolveuid blocks transforms [tisto, sneridagh] (1006)
- Fix type hint example in searching documentation. [jensens] (1008)
- Fixed compatibility with Zope 4.5.2 by making sure Location header is string.
On Python 2 it could be unicode for the users and groups end points.
Fixes `issue 1019 <https://github.com/plone/plone.restapi/issues/1019>`_. [maurits] (#1019)
- Check for Plone 5 in content-adding endpoint if plone.app.multilingual is installed [erral] (1029)
- Do not test if there is a `meta_type` index. It is unused ballast. [jensens] (2024)
- Fix tests with Products.MailHost 4.10. [maurits] (3178)