New features:
- Choose an appropriate image mode in order to reduce file size.
Bug fixes:
- Require the ``six`` package so we can more easily check number types.
On Python 3 ``long`` has been merged into ``int``. [maurits]
- When getting an outdated scale, don't throw it away when there is no
factory. [maurits]
- Avoid TypeErrors when looking for outdated scales.
Fixes `issue 12 <https://github.com/plone/plone.scale/issues/12>`_.
- Catch KeyError when deleting non existing scale. This can happen in corner cases.
Fixes `issue 15 <https://github.com/plone/plone.scale/issues/15>`_.
- Set ``zip_safe=False`` in ``setup.py``. Otherwise you cannot run
the tests of the released package because the test runner does not
find any tests in the egg file. Note that this is only a problem in
zc.buildout 1.x: it uses unzip=False by default. zc.buildout 2.x no
longer has this option and always unzips eggs. [maurits]