- Replace `plone.app.caching` import step with a post handler. Removed the `plone.app.caching.txt` Generic Setup flag file that was needed by the import step. [maurits] 139
New features:
- Add uninstall profile. [maurits] 139
Bug fixes:
- Add Zope to dependencies. Update config files with plone/meta. [maurits] 1
Bug fixes:
- Fix purging of image scale paths for Dexterity content. [erral] 136
- Fixed tests that compared a stable time with a ten year old Expires handler. [maurits] 127
- Changed hardcoded test date to June instead of May to temporarily fix a testing error. See `issue 127 <https://github.com/plone/plone.app.caching/issues/127>`_. Needs a proper fix within a month. [maurits] 127