- Require plone.app.jquerytools for the schema editor UI, and make sure it is
installed when upgrading.
- Remove unused schemaeditor.css.
- Omit the metadata fields except on edit and add forms.
- Enable the "Name from title" behavior for new types, by default.
- Include plone.formwidget.namedfile so that File upload and Image fields are
available out of the box. You must explicitly include z3c.blobfile in your
environment if you want blob-based files.
- Added a DexterityLayer that can be used in tests.
- Fix issue with the BehaviorsForm accidentally polluting the title of the
z3c.form EditForm 'Apply' button.
- Add upgrades folder and make sure plone.app.z3cform profile gets installed
on upgrades from previous versions of Dexterity.
- Depend on the plone.app.z3cform profile, to make sure the Plone browser layer
for z3c.form gets installed.
- Avoid relying on acquisition to get the portal_url for links in the type
listing table.