- fixed jcrop image to not scale wrong (!).
- better initial selection for cropping, also mark scales in left column
cropped/ uncropped and show uncropped in its default appearance.
- Fix: Removed registration of Traverse for dexterity types since its
base class does not support dexterity either.
- Added subscriber to recreate all scales on copied objects.
[saily, jensens]
- fixed some glitches in JCrop init process.
- added dexterity behavior for image cropping.
- Major cleanup and split up code and interfaces into Dexterity and Archetypes.
Also renamed/ moved Interfaces to be used as markers! Attention, in custom
code minor changes are needed in order to point to the correct interfaces.
see README for details.
Also removed some superfluous/unused ``interface=`` passes to methods of
- Update Jcrop to version 0.9.12.
- Use ``plone.app.robotframework`` instead of writing all keywords from
scratch. This brings us autologin support for faster robot tests. Rewrite
tests to test scenarios.
- Drop Plone 4.1 support and tests.
- Cleanup code, align to all coding conventions for Plone.
Pep8, Flake8, pep3101, sort imports, remove grouped imports, ...
- Cleanup/refactor javascript code, don't define global variables.
- Add coveralls, code-analysis and update travis configuration.
- Check for plone.namedfile not Dexterity. It can be used separately.
*If plone.namedfile is used it needs to be at least version 2.0.1*
- ``croppingeditor`` now displays a message to add croppable scales
in the controlpanel if there are no croppable scales to show.
(previously this caused a `SiteError`)
- Rename ``imagecropping_keywords.txt`` to ``keywords.robot`` to allow simple
reusage in ``plone.app.robotframework``.
- pin zc.buildout=2.1.1 for travis-ci bootstrap
- Added Russian translations
- Prevent fieldname losing for for current field
- Fixed 21 (cropping was reset on modifying image)
[tomgross, fRiSi]
- Only test Plone 4.2 and 4.3 with Python 2.7 on Travis-CI