- Fixed bug that caused includeTop not to be set when a navtree portlet
was first added.
- Made the language portlet's 'available' property work properly, avoiding
ugly blank columns.
- Made sure the manage portlets div is not shown to anonymous users.
- Optimised the news portlet template.
- Made the <plone:portletRenderer /> directive more forgiving.
- Fixed a silly bug in the search portlet.
- Made it possible to remove single portlet assignments by using the
"remove" attribute.
- PLIP203: Add the ability to export and import portlet assignments and
- PLIPs 205 and 218: Allow registering portlet types to multiple portlet
manager interfaces, require portlet types to be explicitly registered
for portlet manager interfaces, enable modifying registrations through
GenericSetup, and restrict most default Plone portlet types to left/
right/dashboard columns.
- PLIP207: Allow custom portlet managers, i.e., allow specifying an
alternative portlet manager class through GenericSetup.