- Date ranges now use the _betweenDates handler, which is much more forgiving of empty field values, defaulting to an all-encompassing date range if neither value is provided, an "everything after" range if only the start date is provided, and a min/max range if both are provided.
Fixes http://dev.plone.org/ticket/12965 [esteele]
- Fixed i18n of "Before today" operator and "x items matching your search terms.". [vincentfretin]
* Add an optional 'brains' parameter to the query builder to obtain results not wrapped as an IContentListing. [davisagli]
* Declare all dependencies in setup.py to resolve a dependency problem in test setups, where the Plone stack isn't fully loaded. [thet]
* Add a "today" date operator [esteele]
* Internationalize strings in the registry. [davisagli]
* Change relative date searching to be "N days" string based rather than datetime based. [esteele]
* Handle empty values on relative date fields. [esteele]
* Change the Creator field to use the correct query operation for filtering on the current logged in user. This fixes https://dev.plone.org/ticket/12052 [jcerjak]
* Limit number of items that show up in the preview of the edit view to 25. If we do not limit these results all items in the query will be rendered in the preview which leads to problems when the collection contains > 10k results. [timo]
* Ensure inactive content is only shown to users with the appropriate permission.