Latest version: v3.0.3

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New features:

- The http status of the response is changed from 301 (Moved Permanently) to 302 (Found) for GET requests and to 307 (Temporary Redirect) for other request methods because nothing prevents the URL to be reused in the future. [ale-rt] (8)



Bug fixes:

- Allow performance tests to take more time.
This seems needed on the Plone Jenkins test server when jobs are run in parallel.
[maurits] (20)



New features:

- Store date information in the paths.
Can be used as basis for removing for example all redirects that are older than a year.
[maurits] (17)
- Keep track if a redirect was added manually or automatically.
[maurits] (18)



New features:

- Support using the 'in' operator for paths. Support using storage[old_path] to
get the new path, possibly raising KeyError. Support using storage[old_path]
to set or delete new paths. Support using len(storage) to get the number of
paths. Support storage.clear() to clear out all data. Support
storage.update() for bulk updates. Added performance tests. Call with
[maurits] (13)

Bug fixes:

- Turned doctests into unittests. Removed no longer needed test_suite
functions. [maurits] (12)



Breaking changes:

- No longer try to check portal_redirection for allowed types. This was from
Products.RedirectionTool, which is scheduled to be merged into CMFPlone 5.2.
The feature to allow redirections only for specific types will be either
removed or changed. [maurits] (1486)



Bug fixes:

- Cleanup project level files (, pyproject.toml) [maurits] [gforcada]

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