This is Arnhem Sprint preview release of 0.7.0.
- Refactor and clean; Rename 'Do transition' to 'Fire transition'; Split
'PloneAPI' RemoteLibrary into 'Content' and 'Users' libraries
- Add 'Pause'-keyword
- Cleanup Zope2ServerRemote-library keywords
- Add I18N, MockMailHost, PortalSetup and PloneAPI -keywords from c.usermanual
- Rename RemoteServer-keyword library into Zope2ServerRemote and provide a
shortcut import
- Fix to support explicit layers with zodb_setup and zodb_teardown calls,
because sometime the layers is not available (because of different server
library instance); Add remote library for zodb_setup and zodb_teardown
- Rename PloneRobotSandboxLayer into PloneRobotFixture, because it's only
usable as it is
- Drop LiveSearch-layer (it was CMFPlone-specific); Add MockMailHostlayer; Add
robot configurable PloneRobotSandboxLayer
- Refactor to use python only for environment variables and define other
variables in robot to support robot variable overrides
- Deprecate annotate-library in favor of Selenium2Screenshots-library
- Remove moved CMFPlone-tests
- Use robotframework 2.8.1
- Fix to tell in 'robot-server' help how to enable code-reloading support
[fixes 13]
- Add entry point for robot.libdoc
[Benoît Suttor]
- Return location to reference new content
[Benoît Suttor]
- Refactor add content keywords
[Benoît Suttor]
- Explain stop keyword from debugging library
[Benoît Suttor]