- Fix the package manifest that was not including some files [ale-rt]
Breaking changes:
- Require `plone.testing >= 7.0`.
New features:
- Add support for Python 3.5 and 3.6. [loechel, ale-rt, icemac, davisagli, pbauer]
New features:
- Install and load zcml of CMFQuickInstallerTool only when importable. [maurits]
- Load negotiator from plone.i18n (PTS removed). [jensens, ksuess]
- Add copy of bbb.PloneTestCase. For Plone 5.2 the bbb.PloneTestCase will uses Dexterity instead of Archetypes. Adding bbb_at.PloneTestCase for them to use allows to keep the AT tests working. See https://github.com/plone/plone.app.testing/pull/51 [pbauer]
Bug fixes:
- Amended the doctests to work with automatically layer port picking from plone.testing. [Rotonen]
Bug fixes:
- Load Products.PageTemplates ZCML. [tschorr]
Bug fixes:
- Remove deprecated __of__ calls on BrowserViews [MrTango]
- Remove unittest2 dependency [kakshay21]
Bug fixes:
- No longer try to load `Products.SecureMailHost` and its zcml. This is not shipped with Plone 5.0 or higher. [maurits]