Bug fixes:
- Replaced import of plone.api, which should not be used by core.
[maurits] (241)
- Fixes a rare case in v52/betas while migration of relations: Missing attributes on cataloged relations are safely ignored.
[jensens] (244)
- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
[maurits] (1006)
- Catch deprecation warnings for ``webdav.LockItem.LockItem`` and ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``.
The first has been moved to ``OFS.LockItem``, the second to ``plone.i18n.interfaces``.
In older upgrade code, we should still try the old import first.
Fixed deprecation warning for zope.site.hooks.
Fixed invalid escape sequence.
[maurits] (3130)
- Migrate the ``plone.site_logo`` field from ASCII (native string) to Bytes.
Otherwise saving the site-controlpanel can fail with a WrongType error
Fixes `issue 3172 <https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/3172>`_.
[maurits] (3172)