
Latest version: v3.0.7

Safety actively analyzes 688735 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Use ``bundle-leaflet`` from the ``plone.patternslib`` package.
This should give an out-of-the-box leaflet integration.



- Make geolocation formwidget work with ``pat-leaflet``.

- Support for Plone 5 only, using plone.patternslib and providing an own bundle.



- Leaflet: After searching, bind new marker to update lat/lng input field and
remove MarkerClusterGroup. Fix annoying 'Uncaught Error: Couldn't autodetect
L.Icon.Default.imagePath, set it manually.'

- Update Leaflet dependencies.



- Add Leaflet as mapping widget. Use bower/grunt managed resources.

- Remove the ``div.geolocation`` elements. Instead, render the list of
geolocation points as JSON value on a ``data-geopoints`` attribute on the map

- Reintroduce package level imports and avoid circular import by moving out the
message factory.

- Remove the ``map`` id attribute on the map element and use instead a ``map``
css class.



- Avoid circular imports by removing the package level imports.



- PEP8.

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