- Use plone i18n domain. See https://github.com/plone/plone.formwidget.namedfile/pull/18 [staeff]
- Add Finnish translations. [petri]
- Specify doctest encoding and make doctest more robust against formatting changes. [thet]
- Replace deprecated ``zope.testing.doctestunit`` import with ``doctest`` module from stdlib. [thet]
- Do not use format() since it will break for Python 2.6. [timo]
- Add Base64 data converter for NamedImage and NamedFile widgets on ASCII fields with base64 encoded data and filename. Now the NamedImage and NamedFile widgets can be used with ``zope.schema.ASCII`` fields. [thet]
- PEP 8. [thet]
- Ignore contentType sent by browser for file uploads. See https://github.com/plone/plone.formwidget.namedfile/issues/9 [lgraf]
- The context should be ignored, but not the value if explicitly set. plone.multilingual will set the value for language-independent fields when translating. [regebro]
- Catch mimetype exception, avoid site error if mimetype is not recognized. [thomasdesvenain]
- Avoid error if widget is not used in acquisition context. [thomasdesvenain]