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- Fix structure pattern sorting

- checkout tinymce language with ``-`` in addition to ``_``



- Improvements to dynamic popover content handling

- Lessbuilder will now guess filenames based on manifest.cfg

- Filemanager popovers will now close on file change

- Added button to clear the sitewide theme cache to the thememapper interface

- Querystring pattern: Create date widgets with existing data, if present.
Also subscribe to the ``updated.pickadate.patterns`` to update values when
date widgets change.

- Pickadate pattern: Set the value using the .val() method

- Pickadate pattern: Allow to choose format to be used when creating widget
with existing data, and use that to format the returned value.

- add action value to form when using disableAjaxFormSubmit option on modal

- Modal Pattern: If ``data-view-url`` attribute is available on the body, use
it. Otherwise look for ``data-base-url`` and finally for a ``<base>`` tag.

- filemanager will now re-open files to the same line/position as when it was closed

- Fixed "less is not defined" error while in production mode

- lessbuilder will now use relative urls

- add "Save As" option in less builder

- add Refresh button to filemanager

- filemanager tree now remains open after add/delete/rename/upload

- changed styling in thememapper/filemanager to be more consistent and user friendly

- better interaction with insert uploaded image/link in tinymce

- add plone primary button styles for insert tinymce modals

- better interaction with insert uploaded image/link in tinymce

- add plone primary button styles for insert tinymce modals

- remove unused tablesorter pattern

- switch to tab where link/image data is loaded from on tinymce pattern

- detect valid url on tinymce external

- add Python syntax coloring in text editor



- add optional setTitle option to pat-moment, put timestamp in element title

- fix pickadate default timezone to work even if the default isn't the
last timezone in the list

- remove add menu from structure as we will rely on toolbar add menu
for this functionality

- give stronger warning with rearrange feature, specially on root

- show quick view for items in structure row

- upgrade mockup-core to 2.1.10

- fix inserting image right after you upload it in tinymce

- Accessibility fixes for structure:

- label "cog"/actions
- provide title attribute on buttons
- add aria-hidden true/false attrs and role=tooltip for popovers


- remove accessibility pattern. see

- be able to specify not submit modal forms with ajax

- Fix 'Reserved Order' typo

- add feature detection support to upload pattern usage. Upload pattern
will not work without drag n' drop and file api.

- rename structure "breadcrumbs" class to "fc-breadcrumbs" to prevent name clashes

- fix select2 widget's use of allowNewItems so that we can restrict select2
value to only what is in the vocabulary

- rename "columns" and "selected" structure popover classes to "attribute-columns"
and "selected-items" to prevent the possibility of clashing with other css
as they are common class names.

- Update structure pattern to have buttons be more generic and extensible

- Upgrade pickadate to 3.5.6

- Fix problem where wrong items would get selected when moving from
page to page with structure pattern

- UI/UX improvements to related items folder tree select

- correctly set href and id for autotoc pattern

- fix title not being set on images in tinymce

- Improve the upload pattern so it shows useful messages in case of errors

- When refreshing the upload path for the upload pattern in tinymce, clear its
value first

- use autotoc tab style for resource registry

- be able to add new file to resource registry overrides

- fix livesearch word wrapping issue

- capitalize "Save" buttons on resource registry

- Set pat-tooltip's html option to ``true`` by default, as it cannot be set by
the options. Real fix has still to be done.

- Bugfix in pat-tooltip's HTML support.



- upgrade to mockup-core 2.1.9

- add image modal type

- Allow to provide a sort_on and sort_order attributes for the QueryHelper

- handle errors better with the modal pattern

- fix weird issue with selecting multiple links and images on a page
while you are editing

- Update to jQuery 1.11.3, moment 2.10.3 and jquery.recurrenceinput.js v1.5.

- Cleanup: Use ``windows.alert`` and ``window.confirm`` instead globals. Remove
bootstrap-tooltip from requirejs config, as we have our own. Define more
export variables for Bootstrap plugins.

- fix rename structure popover. It was missing _t template param

- update loading icon to work without font icons and handle
using with modals and backdrops better

- fix selecting a folder to upload to for upload pattern



- modal should emit shown and hidden event after body class toggled

- cancel should also clear created bundle or resource

- fix some structure styling issues

- Update more framework dependencies.

- Update to jQuery 1.11.2.

- Change TinyMCE initLanguage's ajax calls to ``GET`` method, as Zope's
ZPublisher doesn't know about ``HEAD`` requests. Explicitly set the request
to be cached, so there shouldn't be a negative performance impact. Removes
some Plone 404's.

- Update Bootstrap to 3.3.4, which includes the WOFF2 version of Glyphicons.
Removes some 404s.

- TinyMCE and upload pattern: Re-add triggering of the ``uploadAllCompleted``
event and pass the server's response and path uid to it. TinyMCE's link
plugin is listening to it and uses the information to create a URL out of the
uploaded files. Fixes 471.

- Update Dropzone.js to it's latest 4.0.1 version.

- hide some fields from plone-legacy bundle interface since that bundle
is a special case

- consistent behavior in changing development mode settings for
resource registries pattern

- Be able to provide default scale selection so users do not select
original scale as often

- TinyMCE: bugfix, where a link had to be guessed because of missing data-
attributes, use set instead of setRaw. Add tests.

- Add recurrence pattern styles to widget bundle.

- lazy load translations so we can potential hold off detecting language until
the DOM is loaded

- Change all index references from ``Type`` to ``portal_type``. E.g. the
TinyMCE configuration option ``containsobjects`` expects portal_type values,
not Type.



- Upgrade patternslib and mockup-core to fix install issues

- Use i18n.currentLanguage to initialise TinyMCE lang option. Fallback to
closest lang if the required one is missing in TinyMCE (for instance, if
fr_be.js is missing, we try fr.js and if fr.js is missing, we try fr_Fr.js).
[ebrehault, davisp1]

- Fix building of docs with ``make docs``.

- update related items tree widget integration to have a bit better
user interaction. Automatically open folder nodes and implement double click

- fix rendering issue with tinymce link/image overlay and tree selector

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