* Merge pull request 1318 from quaive/implement-locking-chat-button [GitHub]
* Add DE trsanslations (also for previous PRs) [Wolfgang Thomas]
* ran .synci18n [Wolfgang Thomas]
* added missing i18n:domain [Wolfgang Thomas]
* Use i18n labels for the sentences, so that we can easily change the English texts in the future without invalidating the translations [Wolfgang Thomas]
* Change 1 label to be consistent with existing translations [Wolfgang Thomas]
* Fix nesting error (no dl inside p), since synci18n chokes on that [Wolfgang Thomas]
* Merge pull request 1319 from quaive/preserve-template-state [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1316 from quaive/blue-quaive [GitHub]
* Preserve the template review state when creating a WS from a template [ale-rt]
* Enable the chat button in the lock information panel [ale-rt]
* Implement the locking UI [ale-rt]
* Increase the timeout so that the build will not fail when downloading big eggs [ale-rt]
* Upgrade the theme to have it blue [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1315 from quaive/simplify-diazo-rules [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1314 from quaive/785-fix-missing-fullname [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1313 from quaive/sidebar-groups-knows-workspaces [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1311 from quaive/1284-solr-default-path [GitHub]
* Search result templates [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1312 from quaive/contacts-portlet-improved [GitHub]
* Display the userid if fullname is missing [ale-rt]
* Show workspace title [ale-rt]
* The contacts tile links the app only if it is not disabled [ale-rt]
* Do not show disabled users in the contacts portlet [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1310 from quaive/section-is-none [GitHub]
* If no path is set, limit the search results to the current site [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1306 from quaive/documentation [GitHub]
* Do not break the news view if no section has been set [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1309 from quaive/handle-errors-when-changing-policy [GitHub]
* Handle errors on policy change [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1308 from quaive/dahsboard-read-persistent [GitHub]
* [ci skip] Documentation update [ale-rt]
* Do not show the splashpage if it marked as read on the user profile [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1307 from quaive/update-versions [GitHub]
* Update the coverage script [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1305 from quaive/update-resources [GitHub]
* Update the resource package [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1303 from quaive/698-translate-warning [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1304 from quaive/update-mustread [GitHub]
* Translate pat-validation errors [ale-rt]
* update mustread (new database schema and init-mustread-db view) [Harald Friessnegger]
* Merge pull request 1300 from quaive/always-upload-files-or-images [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1296 from quaive/fix-bookmark-order [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1294 from quaive/release-1.2.x [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1301 from quaive/experimental-publistraverse-11 [GitHub]
* experimental.publishtraverse = 1.1 [Maurits van Rees]
* Always upload files or images [ale-rt]
* Merge pull request 1297 from quaive/update-resources [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1295 from quaive/app-tile-svg [GitHub]
* Merge pull request 1298 from quaive/remove-monkey-patch [GitHub]
* Properly sort recent bookmarks [ale-rt]
* Remove obsolete monkeypatch [ale-rt]
* Update quaive.resources.ploneintranet [ale-rt]
* Back to development: 1.2.60 [ale-rt]
* Test unavailable apps [ale-rt]