- DELIBE-186: Add a new Prometheus export view `prometheus-export` to monitor cron. [aduchene] - Complete tests about `MeetingAgendaAPIView`. [aduchene] - Rename `institution_locations` view name to `institution-locations`. [aduchene]
- DELIBE-12: Avoid a "confirm-action" on `Institution` creation. [aduchene] - DELIBE-29: Add ZoomControl back on institutions map [aduchene] - DELIBE-180: Fix some issues when an `Institution.representatives_mappings` could be None. [aduchene]
- DELIB-11: Fixed an issue with next/prev navigation on `ItemView` when items are not in correct order in the meeting folder. [aduchene] - DELIBE-3: Add meeting date in the title of `PreSyncForm` and `PreImportForm`. [aduchene]