- Extended `users` `plone.restapi` endpoint that by default returns infos for
a single user or let query several users:
- `extra_include=groups` will add the organizations the user is member of;
- in addition, passing `extra_include_groups_suffixes=creators` will add
the organizations the user is creator for (any suffix may be used);
- `extra_include=app_groups` will add the user Plone groups;
- `extra_include=configs` will return the `MeetingConfigs`
the user has access to;
- `extra_include=categories`, will return the categories the user is able to
use for each `MeetingConfig`
- in addition, `extra_include_categories_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` id;
- `extra_include=classifiers`, will return the classifiers the user is able to
use for each `MeetingConfig`
- in addition `extra_include_classifiers_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` ids.
- Added `annex` POST endpoint to be able to add an annex on an existing element.
- Changed default behavior of `get GET` endpoint that will return by default
the summary version of serialized data, to get the full serialization, then
parameter `fullobjects` will need to be given.
- Serializer may now complete a `extra_includes` key that list `extra_include`
values available for it.