
Latest version: v2.8

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- Added `extra_include=pod_templates` for `Meeting` and `MeetingItem`.
- Fixed use of `utils.get_current_user_id` and `adopt_user`.



- When returning annex additional values, ignore `last_updated`.



- Default value for parameter `the_objects` changed in
`ToolPloneMeeting.get_orgs_for_user` (from True to False).
- Adapted `utils.may_access_config_endpoints` to only check `tool.isManager`
if given `cfg` is not None.
- Make PMChoiceFieldSerializer use a MissingTerms adapter when value not found
in vocabulary.



- Extended `users` `plone.restapi` endpoint that by default returns infos for
a single user or let query several users:

- `extra_include=groups` will add the organizations the user is member of;

- in addition, passing `extra_include_groups_suffixes=creators` will add
the organizations the user is creator for (any suffix may be used);

- `extra_include=app_groups` will add the user Plone groups;
- `extra_include=configs` will return the `MeetingConfigs`
the user has access to;
- `extra_include=categories`, will return the categories the user is able to
use for each `MeetingConfig`

- in addition, `extra_include_categories_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` id;

- `extra_include=classifiers`, will return the classifiers the user is able to
use for each `MeetingConfig`

- in addition `extra_include_classifiers_config=meeting-config-id` parameter
will filter results for given `MeetingConfig` ids.


- Added `annex` POST endpoint to be able to add an annex on an existing element.
- Changed default behavior of `get GET` endpoint that will return by default
the summary version of serialized data, to get the full serialization, then
parameter `fullobjects` will need to be given.
- Serializer may now complete a `extra_includes` key that list `extra_include`
values available for it.



- Use `Products.PloneMeeting.utils.convert2xhtml` to convert `text/html` data
to correct format (images to base64 data and xhtml compliant).
- Simplify external service call to item POST (add item):

- Handle parameter `ignore_not_used_data:true` that will add a warning instead
raising an error if an optional field is given (in this case, the given
optional field value is ignored);
- Handle parameter `ignore_validation_for` that will bypass validation of given
fields if it is not in data or if it is empty. This makes it possible to add
an item without every data, the item will have to be completed in the Web UI.

- Make sure `externalIdentifier` is always stored as a string, as it may be
passed in the add endpoint as an integer, if it is stored as an integer,
it is not searchable in the `portal_catalog` using the `search` endpoint
- Fixed `PMLazyCatalogResultSerializer.__call__` to avoid an `UnboundLocalError`
or duplicates in results when the corresponding object does not exist anymore
for a brain or when a `KeyError` occured in call to serializer.
- Handle anonymization of content. To do so, added `utils.handle_html` that
will handle every html data (AT pr DX) and make sure it is compliant with
what we need:

- images as base64 data;
- use `appy.pod` preprocessor to make sure we have valid XHTML;
- anonymize content if necessary.




- Make the summary serializer able to handle `extra_include` and
`additional_values`. For this, needed to change the way summary serializer is
handled by `plone.restapi` because by default there is one single summary
serializer for brain interface but we need to be able to register a summary
adapter for different interfaces (item, meeting, ...).
- Restored `Products.PloneMeeting 4.1.x/4.2.x` backward compatibility.
- Defined correct serializers for list fields so we have a `token/value`
representation in each case (AT/DX for single and multi valued select).
- Added some new `extra_include` for `MeetingItem`: `classifier`,
`groups_in_charge` and `associated_groups`.
The `extra_include` named `proposingGroup` was renamed to `proposing_group`.
- Use `additional_values` in annex serializer to get categorized element infos
instead yet another parameter `include_categorized_infos`.

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