* Fixed textmetrics in all modes: both center- and corner-mode transforms, and outlined and 'real' fonts.
* You can now enter a width parameter for the textwidth command. (Looks silly, is sometimes handy)
* Added a visual interface for setting the size of the canvas. (Which is now just a function)
* Added sliders: elements that allow you to change pre-defined properties of your composition in real-time.
* Added a visual interface for changing sliders.
* Added a toolbar for access to all this visual goodness.
* Added the value ladder for "rapid-prototyping" a value. You really have to see it to believe it. Just command-click on any number in the code and drag right or left to increase or decrease its value. By going up or down the ladder, you change the size of the increments. As an alternative method, you can also hold the command key and use the mouse wheel to change a number (hold the option key as well for smaller increments, or the control key for larger increments)
* Syntax coloring for all DrawBot keywords.
* The colormode command now has an extra parameter "range", where you define the range of your colors. By default, this is set to 1.0, but you can set it to 255 so color ranges go from 0 to 255. (for Photoshop compatibility)
* Syntax errors and run-time errors highlight the line where the error has occurred.