* Improve forum upload filename convert process, add `alt=` to download href, so
that the download filename will use alt value.
* Fix pnotify inc_show_message js bug, change `top.$(window)` to `$(top.window)`
* Upgrade pnotify to 1.2.0
* Add backbone and underscore to plugs.ui.js.jsutils, and you can use:
{{use "backbone""}}
to use backbone.
* Add AngularJS in 'plugs.ui.angularjs', and you can use::
{{use "angularjs"}}
* Add font-awesome support in 'plugs.ui.bootstrap', and you can use::
{{use "fontawesome"}}
* Fix fontawesome confict with bootstrap icon class
* Upgrade bootstrap to 2.0.4
* Add slickgrid and jqevent plugin
* Fix userinfo block to user_info
* Add totop plugin
* Refactor forum to static creation
* Add bootstrap pagination function, you can call like:
pagination = functions.create_pagination(url, total, page, rows, length=None)
return {'pagination':pagination}
and in template you can:
<div class="pagination">{{<< pagination}}</div>
* Add jquery.cookie
* Fix bootstrap prettify theme = default bug
* Remove jqjson
* Add jqhotkeys (via jquery.hotkeys.js)
* Fix forum title display