- Remove support for Adam with fw 2.x and Anna with fw 3.x - Add 4.4.1 Anna testing (`control_state` added to xml but not active) - Maintenance, archive older firmware and clean/update tests accordingly - Introduce quick-fixture generation without testing - Fix `adam_jip` testcase
- Working solution for [Core Issue 104433](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/104433)
- Add detection & removal of orphaned heater_central. - Bugfix for [Core Issue 104433](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/104433) - Improve/optimize/reorder. - Typing-constants clean-up.
- Update OFF-constant, removal capital begin-letter.
- Feature: add "Off" as option in available_schedules, selecting this option will disable the active schedule for a thermostat. - Fix not being able to turn off a schedule. - Update fixture to create a testcase for HVACAction.PREHEATING