Beta 2 includes lot of changes, including the use of collective.transcode.daemon for video transcoding.
For a full list of closed tickets check out:
- http://plumi.org/query?status=closed&group=resolution&order=priority&milestone=3.0-beta2&resolution=fixed
Also, at the 3rd of November 2009, David Bain (pigeonflight) did the following in plumi.buildout:
- updated buildout_plone331.cfg,
- removed reference to the 'plone' part which was still using the 3.1.7 plone.recipe
- pinned zope.component to 3.5.1
- changed MarkDown to be pinned to 2.0.3
- added pytz,ZConfig and zope.browsermenu to the additional-fake-eggs
- pinned zope.app.authentication to 3.6.0
- pinned zope.publisher to 3.5.6
- added http://dist.repoze.org/ to find-links to support PIL