
Latest version: v4.2.124

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Pmag GUI & MagIC GUI are standalone graphical user interfaces that provide tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the MagIC database. This download is for Linux only (was compiled on Ubuntu 18.04.2 - 64 bit, and has only been tested there. Feel free to try other Ubuntu and Debian based distributions though we don't guarantee functionality there) - click [here]( for the Windows download and [here]( for the OSX download.

For complete documentation on using the GUIs, see the [PmagPy Cookbook](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](

To get started with the GUIs, download your preferred standalone file. You will need to run this program using Terminal. Follow these steps:

- Open Terminal
- change to the directory where you have put the standalone file:
- `cd Downloads`
- update the file permissions:
- `chmod x pmag_gui_4.2.25-1`
- Note: you only need to run this command the first time you want to run Pmag GUI
- run Pmag GUI:
- `./pmag_gui_4.2.25-1`

Due to constraints with the binary deployment you may have to wait for some time as the GUI starts (5-30 seconds), so please be patient.

Note: There are still bugs to be found! Please feel free to open any bugs you find as [issues in the main PmagPy repository](


Pmag GUI & MagIC GUI are standalone graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that provide tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the MagIC database. This download is for Windows only — click [here]( for the OSX download and [here]( for the Linux (ubuntu 14.04 trusty) download.

This release features a bug fix of `demag_gui` reported by oliviamoehl that when trying to create a fit by selecting thermal steps in an experiment that includes a mixeture of thermal and AF demag steps, the program glitches and selects the numerically equivalent AF step.

Getting started:

Download the zip file for Pmag GUI (see the link below in "assets").
Move the program icon from your downloads folder to your applications folder
Double click the program to run (depending on your security settings, you may have to right click the icon and then select ok the first time you open it).
Please be patient! The GUI needs a minute to initialize. Note that the icon disappears while it does this, but will then reappear (again, be patient).

For complete documentation on using the GUIs, see the [PmagPy Cookbook]( and the [PmagPy Jupyter Book](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](


Windows 10


Pmag GUI & MagIC GUI are standalone graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that provide tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the MagIC database. This download is for Windows only — click [here]( for the OSX download and [here]( for the Linux (ubuntu 14.04 trusty) download.

This release fixes the bug in geographic coordinate conversion associated with converting jr6 file format to MagIC format (thanks matdomeier):

Getting started:

Download the zip file for Pmag GUI (see the link below in "assets").
Move the program icon from your downloads folder to your applications folder
Double click the program to run (depending on your security settings, you may have to right click the icon and then select ok the first time you open it).
Please be patient! The GUI needs a minute to initialize. Note that the icon disappears while it does this, but will then reappear (again, be patient).

For complete documentation on using the GUIs, see the [PmagPy Cookbook]( and the [PmagPy Jupyter Book](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](


Windows 10


Pmag GUI & MagIC GUI are standalone graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that provide tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the MagIC database. This download is for Windows only — click [here]( for the OSX download and [here]( for the Linux (ubuntu 14.04 trusty) download.

This release adds a new file conversion function (thanks njarboe !) in pmag_gui that can convert PMD files to MagIC format files.

Getting started:

Download the zip file for Pmag GUI (see the link below in "assets").
Move the program icon from your downloads folder to your applications folder
Double click the program to run (depending on your security settings, you may have to right click the icon and then select ok the first time you open it).
Please be patient! The GUI needs a minute to initialize. Note that the icon disappears while it does this, but will then reappear (again, be patient).

For complete documentation on using the GUIs, see the [PmagPy Cookbook]( and the [PmagPy Jupyter Book](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](


Windows 10


Pmag GUI is a standalone graphical user interfaces that provides tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the [MagIC database](

This release fixes several bugs including the ability to save plots and an issue where plotting all directions would freeze the graphics. It also removes the VGP plot from the tools of Demag GUI given that we are not including Cartopy as a dependency.

The icon is also updated to be the PmagPy magpie!
<img width="74" alt="Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 2 38 02 PM" src="">

Getting started:

- Download the zip file for Pmag GUI (see the link below in "assets").
- Move the program icon from your downloads folder to your applications folder
- Double click the program to run (depending on your security settings, you may have to right click the icon and then select ok the first time you open it).
- **Please be patient!** The GUI needs a minute to initialize. Note that the icon disappears while it does this, but will then reappear (again, be patient).

This download is for OSX only - click [here]( for the Windows download.

For complete documentation on using the GUI, see the [PmagPy Cookbook](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](


Pmag GUI & MagIC GUI are standalone graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that provide tools for uploading, downloading, and analyzing data from the MagIC database. This download is for Windows only — click [here]( for the OSX download and [here]( for the Linux (ubuntu 14.04 trusty) download.

For complete documentation on using the GUIs, see the [PmagPy Cookbook]( and the [PmagPy Jupyter Book](

To download full PmagPy functionality, see the [PmagPy repository](

Getting started:

Download the standalone you want to use (see links above)
Then double click the program icon, please be patient as it can take up to 30 seconds to start.
If you see a screen that says "Windows protected your PC", select "More info" and then "Run anyway".

Windows 10
Note: There are still bugs to be found! Please feel free to open any problems you find as [issues in the main PmagPy repository](

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