
Latest version: v0.9.8

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What's Changed
* Make gen_dijet work for GenJets by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/247
* Update analysis_example.md by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/248
* Improvements in plotting + various by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/246
* Hotfix for jet_taggers_hists() by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/251
* Support for dask at Brown brux20 cluster by mondalspandan in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/253
* Run grouping by sample by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/257
* load plotting style defaults from yaml file by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/256
* Improved scripts by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/261
* Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.6.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/245
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.10.0 to 1.10.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/244
* Preliminary implementation of nominal ele scale smearing by phnattla in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/252
* Ele smearing rnd seed fix by phnattla in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/266
* Implemented MET-xy corrections for Run2 UL by guanfacin24 in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/268
* More testing on skimmed NanoAOD sumgenweight propagation by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/265
* Better sum of flow bins by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/271
* Move apptainer images to Python 3.11 and newer dask by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/275
* update electron trigger scale factors by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/212
* Analysis execution with condor job submission - no dask by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/277

New Contributors
* mondalspandan made their first contribution in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/253
* guanfacin24 made their first contribution in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/268

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.7...0.9.8


What's Changed
* improving dataset_query to add several metadata information by uttiyasarkar in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/188
* Basic methods to deal with GenParticles and GenJets, and more tagger options for Jets by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/233
* Introducing dask for RWTH executor by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/234
* Weights cache to local variable to avoid dask issues by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/240
* Assign provenance to b-quarks in ttHbb dileptonic decays by matintorkian in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/239
* Update/law tasks by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/242
* Save rescaling of genWeight to make skimmed NanoAOD coherent by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/241

New Contributors
* matintorkian made their first contribution in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/239

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.6...0.9.7


What's Changed
* Correct under/overflow bins by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/227
* Bump pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish from 1.8.11 to 1.10.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/226
* Fix the flow for compare option by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/229
* Update executors_infn_af.py to better handle already configured Dask cluster by ttedeschi in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/231

New Contributors
* ttedeschi made their first contribution in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/231

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.5...0.9.6


- Generalized handling of common Weights and user-defined Weights
- Added first integration of LAW tasks to stear an analysis running PocketCoffea workflows
- Many improvements in the plotting scripts
- Added Dataset discovery cli to dynamically query for dataset and build the dataset definition file
- Cleaning up of the default skimming function (Breaking changes! see below)
- Added CDCI tests of utils and full configuration tests
- New parameters exploration CLI
- Added more executors
- Tested the Swan AF and INFN AF

**Thanks to all the contributors!!** :)

Breaking changes
Checkout the list of breaking changes in the docs page: https://pocketcoffea.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changelog.html#breaking-changes

What's Changed
* Small corrections to JEC code for Run3 by phnattla in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/183
* Adding JEC for Run3 and apply JES on data by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/182
* Enhancement/plotting by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/187
* Creating new docker image based on el9 by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/190
* Preparing executor for CERN Swan by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/189
* Removed application of sumgenweight rescaling by default by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/191
* Further VHcc changes. Important variables to be stored by ValVau in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/192
* Added clearing of query results in the CLI by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/194
* Separated init and loading in the Configurator by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/195
* New parameters exploration tool by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/196
* Added new command to create a template configuration by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/197
* fix check of genWeight in weights config by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/199
* Assignment of colors to samples by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/200
* Various improvements by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/207
* Fixed wildcard weights variation implementation by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/208
* Enhancement/plotting: 10-color scheme added by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/206
* Removed default skim cuts from base processor by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/193
* Improving weights handling by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/147
* update plotting of systematic shifts by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/201
* Feature/law tasks by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/204
* Adding benchmarking histograms and throughput printout by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/90
* Changes for CAT weights CDCI by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/202
* Added test stage in CDCI by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/209
* Add INFN AnalysisFacility executor by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/210
* Enable blinding data for certain histograms by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/211
* feat: plot separate histogram for signal samples, print category name by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/214
* Bug fix for signal samples plotting by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/215
* Update plotting by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/216
* Fix import with custom executor setup by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/217
* Color aliases by mmarchegiani in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/218
* Adding more full configurations tests by valsdav in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/213
* Update/law tasks by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/219
* feat: compare option for plotting, allowing shape comparison instead of data/mc by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/221
* fix/plotting by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/220

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.4...0.9.5


**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.3...0.9.4


What's Changed
* Implementing JECs for 2022 and 2023 eras by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/174
* Enhancement/plotting by felixzinn in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/178
* Allow INFN redirector to be used when no sites are found with -ws option by andreypz in https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/pull/176

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PocketCoffea/PocketCoffea/compare/0.9.2...0.9.3

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