
Latest version: v1.2.0

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Bug fixes

- Fixed handling of `--in-pod` argument. Previously it was hard to provide false value to it.
- podman-compose no longer creates pods when registering systemd unit.
- Fixed warning `RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'create_pods' was never awaited`
- Fixed error when setting up IPAM network with default driver.
- Fixed support for having list and dictionary `depends_on` sections in related compose files.
- Fixed logging of failed build message.
- Fixed support for multiple entries in `include` section.
- Fixed environment variable precedence order.


- `x-podman` dictionary in container root has been migrated to `x-podman.*` fields in container root.

New features

- Added support for `--publish` in `podman-compose run`.
- Added support for Podman external root filesystem management (`--rootfs` option).
- Added support for `podman-compose images` command.
- Added support for `env_file` being configured via dictionaries.
- Added support for enabling GPU access.
- Added support for selinux in verbose mount specification.
- Added support for `additional_contexts` section.
- Added support for multi-line environment files.
- Added support for passing contents of `podman-compose.yml` via stdin.
- Added support for specifying the value for `--in-pod` setting in `podman-compose.yml` file.
- Added support for environmental secrets.


- Added instructions on how to install podman-compose on Homebrew.
- Added explanation that netavark is an alternative to dnsname plugin


Bug fixes

- Fixed support for values with equals sign in `-e` argument of `run` and `exec` commands.
- Fixed duplicate arguments being emitted in `stop` and `restart` commands.
- Removed extraneous debug output. `--verbose` flag has been added to preserve verbose output.
- Links aliases are now added to service aliases.
- Fixed image build process to use defined environmental variables.
- Empty list is now allowed to be `COMMAND` and `ENTRYPOINT`.
- Environment files are now resolved relative to current working directory.
- Exit code of container build is now preserved as return code of `build` command.

New features

- Added support for `uidmap`, `gidmap`, `http_proxy` and `runtime` service configuration keys.
- Added support for `enable_ipv6` network configuration key.
- Added `--parallel` option to support parallel pulling and building of images.
- Implemented support for maps in `sysctls` container configuration key.
- Implemented `stats` command.
- Added `--no-normalize` flag to `config` command.
- Added support for `include` global configuration key.
- Added support for `build` command.
- Added support to start containers with multiple networks.
- Added support for `profile` argument.
- Added support for starting podman in existing network namespace.
- Added IPAM driver support.
- Added support for file secrets being passed to `podman build` via `--secret` argument.
- Added support for multiple networks with separately specified IP and MAC address.
- Added support for `service.build.ulimits` when building image.



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