New Feature: detect lock file changes
Suppose you're working on a project with CI/CD and several contributors. You want the CI/CD to depend on the `requirements.txt` file created by `poetry-auto-export`, but you need to make sure everyone updates the `requirements.txt` file correctly.
To make this easy, `poetry-auto-export` puts a SHA1 hash in a comment on top of `requirements.xtx` file. In CI/CD you can quickly compute the hash and compare that with the comment without installing poetry or any other dependencies.
Here is an example python script that does this:
import hashlib
from pathlib import Path
lock_hash = hashlib.sha1(Path("poetry.lock").read_bytes()).hexdigest()
first_line = Path("requirements.txt").read_text().split("\n")[0]
if first_line != f" poetry.lock hash: {lock_hash}":
raise ValueError("requirements.txt is out of date, use the `poetry-auto-export` plugin to update it!")
A more fancy version of the above script is shipped with this package as ``.
You can also download it from the Github repository directly, e.g.
curl -O
Or pipe straight into python, for a quick one-liner:
curl -sSL | python3 -
What's Changed
* Easy check if the requirements file is in sync with poetry.lock by Ddedalus in
* Routine dependency updates
* Test refactors
**Full Changelog**: