
Latest version: v1.7.1

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* Fixed an oversight where the default version tag pattern would only find
tags with exactly three parts in the base (e.g., `v1.0.0` and `v1.2.3`).
This is now relaxed so that `v1`, `v1.2.3.4`, and so on are also recognized.


* Changed:
* Broadened version range of Jinja2 dependency to support projects that need
a newer version.
* Bumped the minimum Poetry version to 1.1.0, since the above Jinja2 change
seemed to trip up Poetry 1.0.10 (on Python 3.7 and 3.8, but not 3.5 or 3.6,
for some reason).
* Fixed:
* The plugin did not work on Fedora inside of Pip's isolated build
environment, because the plugin would be loaded before some of its
dependencies. Now, those imports are delayed until needed.


* Fixed:
* Parsing files containing special UTF-8 characters would result in an error.
Files are now assumed to be UTF-8.
([Contributed by rhorenov](https://github.com/mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning/pull/50))


* Fixed:
* The previous `bump` fix only applied to `format-jinja`. It has now been
fixed for other scenarios as well.


* Fixed:
* When the `bump` option was enabled, the version would be bumped even when on
a commit with a version tag. Now, no bumping occurs when on such a commit.


* Fixed:
* An incompatibility with `tox-poetry-installer` where the working directory
was received as a `str` instead of a `Path`.
([Contributed by cburgess](https://github.com/mtkennerly/poetry-dynamic-versioning/pull/41))

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