This is a bugfix to fix matching the lock package name to the project package name, when the project package name has been added using a different form (adding `pybluez` instead of `PyBluez`)
This release drops most dependencies (click and loguru) to make it easier to integrate the project in a dev environment.
This release also renames the `--no-parent` option to `--no-root`, which aligns the naming with what `poetry install` calls it.
This release closes: 14
You can use the `--build` flag, to build and clean automatically, leaving you with a lock package in the dist folder of your current project.
Ignore will not work on lower levels. This means that if a dependency is only a dependency of an ignored package, it will not be part of the lock package dependencies.
This release allows you to use `--ignore` multiple times so you don't have to do regex or statements `(pyspark|numpy)`.
Another addition is the `--no-parent` to skip the addition of the parent project as a dependency of the lock project. This should allow you to ship your requirements and your package as two separate entities.
Add --ignore option which allows for filtering of dependencies using a regular expression Switch default --test option to False