
Latest version: v2.5.1

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<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v2.5.1 -->

What's Changed
* COMPAT: compatibility with numpy by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/147
Other Changes
* docs reqs in 311 ci env by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/142
* ENH: support geopandas objects in distance statistics by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/145
* TST: relax assertion to avoid floating point issues by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/148

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/compare/v2.5.0...v2.5.1


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v2.5.0 -->

What's Changed
* REF: reimplement mrr on top of shapely by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/133
* localknox by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/136
* update codecov badge by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/128
* add density plot to api docs by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/129
* include geopandas as shapely in dependencies by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/131
* fix typo in random.normal function by stevee404 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/138
Other Changes
* keep members of local knox hotspots by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/134
* update min supported Python and testing workflow by jGaboardi in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/140

New Contributors
* stevee404 made their first contribution in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/138

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/compare/v2.4.0...v2.5.0


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v2.4.0 -->

What's Changed
Bug Fixes
* Docs by weikang9009 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/95
* add packages for building docs in env file by weikang9009 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/96
* fix error and API for quadrat based statistics by weikang9009 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/104
* ENH: return axis when plotting QStatistic, default to equal aspect when plotting PointPattern by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/116
Other Changes
* Fix github action for docs building by weikang9009 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/97
* README edits for Release of v2.3.0 by weikang9009 in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/98
* REF: use shapely 2 instead of pygeos by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/102
* COMPAT: ensure we pass numpy array to cKDtree and combat with sklearn 1.3.0 by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/107
* Handle scipy and pytest deprecations by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/109
* CI: test against nightlies of scipy and sklearn by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/110
* silence cg warnings by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/115
* Fix support truncation and remove superfluous content by ljwolf in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/105
* migrate to pyproject by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/117
* ENH: plot_density for KDE plotting of point patterns based on statsmodels by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/118
* Edges by sjsrey in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/119
* Knox enhancements by sjsrey in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/111
* Revert "Edges" by sjsrey in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/120
* CI: update actions by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/124
* plot density on axis by martinfleis in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/123
* Add symmetric st-neighbors in local knox by sjsrey in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/121
* remove stale doc deps by sjsrey in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/126
* readme in pyproject by knaaptime in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/127

New Contributors
* knaaptime made their first contribution in https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/pull/117

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pysal/pointpats/compare/v2.3.0...v2.4.0


We closed a total of 48 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 17 pull requests, since our last release on 2020-07-27.

Issues Closed
- Update docs for 2.2.0 (62)
- Infrastructure (86)
- Fix github action for docs building (97)
- add packages for building docs in env file (96)
- Docs (95)
- bump to v2.3.0 (94)
- migrate docs from RTD to github page (92)
- add github action for release and doc building (90)
- handle scipy deprecation (91)
- [WIP] Migrate to GitHub Actions for testing (64)
- pointpats on conda-forge fails pip check (80)
- Documentation for `pointpats` version 2.2.0 in Google Colab (76)
- Move testing to github actions (63)
- Deprecated statistics included in the manual (79)
- update centrography test for dep induced precision breakage (69)
- GHA: fix target (88)
- Set up and update infrastructure (87)
- Make opencv package optional (82)
- pointpats.random not in the API docs (84)
- DOC: fix API docs (85)
- Cannot import name 'G' from 'pointpats' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pointpats/__init__.py) (78)
- remove extra material from ripley.py and source from geometry.py (74)
- L or other distance modules are not recognized (65)
- Simulation Envelopes, Low & High (57)
- Jenv binsize correction is incorrect. (51)
- Kenv is very memory inefficient (52)
- handle 0-index simplex in delaunay (73)
- poisson point process with delaunay missing first triangle (72)
- Remove rst file and update setup.py (61)
- add pypi maintainer (60)
- [ENH] Version bump for 2.2 and pointer to changelog (59)

Pull Requests
- Fix github action for docs building (97)
- add packages for building docs in env file (96)
- Docs (95)
- bump to v2.3.0 (94)
- migrate docs from RTD to github page (92)
- add github action for release and doc building (90)
- handle scipy deprecation (91)
- [WIP] Migrate to GitHub Actions for testing (64)
- update centrography test for dep induced precision breakage (69)
- GHA: fix target (88)
- Set up and update infrastructure (87)
- Make opencv package optional (82)
- DOC: fix API docs (85)
- remove extra material from ripley.py and source from geometry.py (74)
- handle 0-index simplex in delaunay (73)
- Remove rst file and update setup.py (61)
- [ENH] Version bump for 2.2 and pointer to changelog (59)

The following individuals contributed to this release:

- Wei Kang
- Levi John Wolf
- James Gaboardi
- Serge Rey
- Martin Fleischmann
- Qiusheng Wu
- Giovp


We closed a total of 34 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 16 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-07-01.

Issues Closed
- make quadrat statistics accept a numpy array as argument (58)
- add numba-fied version of skyum code (56)
- Ripley numpy (54)
- 47 : Added enhancements to mbr in pointpats (48)
- intensity estimates for new ripley functions are very incorrect sometimes (55)
- (doc) add inline docstring for the equation of L function (53)
- (BUG) L function and its Simulation Envelope under the null (CSR) not close to 0 (44)
- (bug) fix for calculating rule of thumb (rot) for a point pattern (46)
- BUG: fix for K function (45)
- (docs) auto display inherited class members (43)
- (docs) remove generated rst files (42)
- (docs) update docs (41)
- Add space time interaction tests (38)
- updating dual travis test procdeure (39)
- update Readme for v2.1.0 (37)
- update setup.py for transition to py36 and py37 (36)
- update changelog for releasing v2.1.0 (35)
- update setup.py to accommodate the transition to python3.6 and 3.7 (34)

Pull Requests
- make quadrat statistics accept a numpy array as argument (58)
- add numba-fied version of skyum code (56)
- Ripley numpy (54)
- 47 : Added enhancements to mbr in pointpats (48)
- (doc) add inline docstring for the equation of L function (53)
- (bug) fix for calculating rule of thumb (rot) for a point pattern (46)
- BUG: fix for K function (45)
- (docs) auto display inherited class members (43)
- (docs) remove generated rst files (42)
- (docs) update docs (41)
- Add space time interaction tests (38)
- updating dual travis test procdeure (39)
- update Readme for v2.1.0 (37)
- update setup.py for transition to py36 and py37 (36)
- update changelog for releasing v2.1.0 (35)
- update setup.py to accommodate the transition to python3.6 and 3.7 (34)

The following individuals contributed to this release:

- Serge Rey
- Levi John Wolf
- Wei Kang
- Sugam Srivastava
- James Gaboardi
- Hu Shao


We closed a total of 27 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 13 pull requests, since our last release on 2018-10-30.

Issues Closed
- update setup.py to accommodate the transition to python3.6 and 3.7 (34)
- prepare for release of v2.1.0 (31)
- (docs) reference label style (33)
- (docs) change the css to accommodate new versions of sphinx and sphinx bootstrap theme (32)
- (docs) migrate from readthedocs configuration file v1 to v2 (30)
- (docs) updating supported python versions (3.6 and 3.7) in setup.py (29)
- doc: edits to notebook (28)
- require libpysal>=4.0.0 (27)
- `README` in markdown instead of `.rst`? (24)
- add README.md to resolve issue 24 (26)
- fix missing reference labels in rendered sphinx docs (25)
- add badges for docs and pypi release (23)
- Online docs for pointpats (22)
- add changelog for release 2.0.0 (21)

Pull Requests
- update setup.py to accommodate the transition to python3.6 and 3.7 (34)
- prepare for release of v2.1.0 (31)
- (docs) reference label style (33)
- (docs) change the css to accommodate new versions of sphinx and sphinx bootstrap theme (32)
- (docs) migrate from readthedocs configuration file v1 to v2 (30)
- (docs) updating supported python versions (3.6 and 3.7) in setup.py (29)
- doc: edits to notebook (28)
- require libpysal>=4.0.0 (27)
- add README.md to resolve issue 24 (26)
- fix missing reference labels in rendered sphinx docs (25)
- add badges for docs and pypi release (23)
- Online docs for pointpats (22)
- add changelog for release 2.0.0 (21)

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