Changelog: * Fix bug with 'Task history' widget during running task; * Fix autoupdate of history_stdout component - leaving of history page during running task.
Not secure
Changelog: * Add PWA support and use native static cache system. * Update libs. * Fix bug with clearing history output on ERROR.
Not secure
Changelog: * Fix bug in some GitPython versions. * Add playbook for better review code in OpenStack environments.
Not secure
Changelog: * Update libs (`drf-yasg` and `pyyaml`). * Update `bootstrap` and `moment.js` for security reasons. * Generate password button.
Not secure
Changes: * Min PY version - 3.5 * Migrate to VUE core. * Fixed bug with cancel task. * Cancel task on remove history. * Allow to set default directory for TAR projects. * Add ansible==2.8 support. * Performance optimizations.