- Add validation rules for release notes links (HTTPS, locale free). (160)
- Read the correct mercurial shipped locale file for release candidates (161)
- Add an actionable flag for tasks (162)
- Order checks putting non actionable checks at the end. (163)
- Add support for devedition checks (166)
- Add a whatsdeployed link in the contribute.json file (168)
- Use main_summary instead of update_parquet for the Telemetry uptake (172)
- Calculate the crash-stats uptake including Beta previous version. (174)
- Use the ``aurora`` channel for devedition checks (177)
- Fix Balrog beta and devedition version comparison (178)
- Display the backgroundRate value but do not use it to mark the check as incomplete (180)
- Handle ``coming soon`` release notes status (182)
- Take more versions into account for the crash-stats query (184)
- Use the DEVEDITION specific Mercurial tag for shipped-locales (185)