- add optional private argument to historical_results function. - add optional private argument to live_feed function. - add community field to LiveHuntResult/HistoricalHuntResult - add communities field to HistoricalHunt - new permalink structure
- `polyswarm sandbox providers` has a new output with provider and slug information - `polyswarm sandbox file` and `polyswarm sandbox instance` accept new config arguments `provider_slug` and `vm_slug`
- Dropping python 2.7 support - Change `polyswarm sandbox submit` to `polyswarm sandbox instance` - Change `polyswarm sandbox list` to `polyswarm sandbox providers` - Added new `polyswarm sandbox` sub-commands `lookup`, `lookup-id`, `search`, `file`, `my-tasks`
- Fix an issue with the `polyswarm search ioc` command causing results not to display.
- `polyswarm sandbox {sha256}` command removed, replaced by `polyswarm sandbox submit {instance id}` - `polyswarm sandbox submit {instance id}` now accepts an instance id instead of a sha256 to trigger a sandboxing task - new command `polyswarm sandbox list` to list available sandboxes - new commands `polyswarm metadata status {instance id}` and `polyswarm sandbox status {instance id}` as syntax sugar to check the last updated time for the metadata in our system for a instance