
Latest version: v1.1.2

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This is a major release, including significant changes in calculation internals related to optical sign conventions (not backwards compatible), some API changes, several additional updated optical element classes, bug fixes, and several algorithm improvements and performance enhancements.

For full release notes, see https://poppy-optics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/relnotes.html


This minor release includes several updated optical element classes, bug fixes, and improved documentation. This is intended as a maintenance release shortly before v 1.0 which will introduce some backwards-incompatible changes.

For full release notes see https://poppy-optics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/relnotes.html


This is a minor release primarily for updates in packaging infrastructure, plus a handful of small enhancements related to datacubes, segmented apertures, and new functionality for subsampled optics.

For full release notes see https://poppy-optics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/relnotes.html


*2019 Nov 22*

**New Functionality:**

* **Chaining together multiple propagations calculations:** Multiple `OpticalSystem` instances can now be chained together into a `CompoundOpticalSystem`. This includes mixed
propagations that are partially Fresnel and partially Fraunhofer; Wavefront objects will be cast between types as
needed. (:pr:`290` by :user:`mperrin`)
* **Gray pixel subsampling of apertures:** Implemented "gray pixel" sampling for circular apertures and stops, providing more precise models of aperture edges.
For circular apertures this is done using a fast analytic geometry implementation adapted from open-source IDL code
originally by Marc Buie. (:pr:`325` by :user:`mperrin`, using Python code contributed by :user:`astrofitz`).
For subpixel / gray pixel sampling of other optics in general, a new function `fixed_sampling_optic` takes any
AnalyticOpticalElement and returns an equivalent ArrayOpticalElement with fixed sampling. This is useful for instance
for taking a computationally-slow optic such as MultiHexagonAperture and saving a discretized version for future
faster use. (:pr:`307` by :user:`mperrin`)
* **Modeling tilted optics:** New feature to model geometric projection (cosine scaling) of inclined optics, by setting an `inclination_x` or
`inclination_y` attribute to the tilt angle in degrees. For instance `inclination_x=30` will tilt an optic by 30
degrees around the X axis, and thus compress its apparent size in the Y axis by cosine(30 deg). Note, this
transformation only applies the cosine scaling to the optic's appearance, and does *not* introduce wavefront for
tilt. (:pr:`329` by :user:`mperrin`)

* **Many improvements to the Continuous Deformable Mirror class**:

* Enhance model of DM actuator influence functions for more precise subpixel spacing of DM actuators, rather than
pokes separated by integer pixel spacing. This applies to the 'convolution by influence function' method for
modeling DMs (:pr:`329` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Support distinct radii for the active controllable mirror size and the reflective mirror size (:pr:`293` by :user:`mperrin`)
* ContinuousDeformableMirror now supports `shift_x` and `shift_y` to translate / decenter the DM, consistent with
other optical element classes. (:pr:`307` by :user:`mperrin`)
* ContinuousDeformableMirror now also supports `flip_x` and `flip_y` attributes to flip its orientation along one or
both axes, as well as the new `inclination_x` and `inclination_y` attributes for geometric projection.

* **Improved models of certain kinds of wavefront error:**

* New class `StatisticalPSDWFE` that models random wavefront errors described by a power spectral density, as is
commonly used to specify and measure typical polishing residuals in optics. (:pr:`315` by :user:`ivalaginja`;
:pr:`317` by :user:`mperrin`)
* `FITSOpticalElement` can now support wavelength-independent phase maps defined in radians, for instance for modeling
Pancharatnam-Berry phase as used in certain vector coronagraph masks. (:pr:`306` by :user:`joseph-long`)

* `add_optic` in Fresnel systems can now insert optics at any index into an optical system, rather than just appending
at the end (:pr:`298` by :user:`sdwill`)

**Software Infrastructure Updates and Internals:**

* PR :pr:`290` for CompoundOpticalSystem involved refactoring the Wavefront and FresnelWavefront classes to both be child classes of a new abstract base class BaseWavefront. This change should be transparent for most/all users and requires no changes in calling code.
* PR :pr:`306` for wavelength-independent phase subsequently required refactoring of the optical element display code to correctly handle all cases. As a result the display code internals were clarified and made more consistent. (:pr:`314` and :pr:`321` by :user:`mperrin` with contributions from :user:`ivalaginja` and :user:`shanosborne`). Again this change should be transparent for users.
* Removed deprecated / unused decorator function in WFE classes, making their `get_opd` function API consistent with the rest of poppy. (:pr:`322` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Accomodate some upstream changes in astropy (:pr:`294` by :user:`shanosborne`, :pr:`330` by :user:`mperrin`)
* The `poppy.Instrument._get_optical_system` function, which has heretofore been an internal method (private, starting with
underscore) of the Instrument class, has been promoted to a public part of the API as
* Note, minimum supported versions of some upstream packages such as numpy and matplotlib have been updated.

**Bug Fixes and Misc Improvements:**

* Correctly assign BUNIT keyword after rescaling OPDs (:issue:`285`, :pr:`286` by :user:`laurenmarietta`).
* New header keywords in output PSF files for `OPD_FILE` and `OPDSLICE` to more cleanly record the information
previously stored together in the `PUPILOPD` keyword (:pr:`316` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Update docs and example notebooks to replace deprecated function names with the current ones (:pr:`288` by :user:`corcoted`).
* Improvements in resampling wavefronts onto Detector instances, particularly in cases where the wavefront is already at the right plane so no propagation is needed. (Part of :pr:`290` by :user:`mperrin`, then further improved in :pr:`304` by :user:`sdwill`)
* Allow passthrough of "normalize" keyword to measure_ee and measure_radius_at_ee functions (:pr:`333` by
:user:`mperrin`; :issue:`332` by :user:`ariedel`)
* Fix `wavefront.as_fits` complex wavefront output option (:pr:`293` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Stricter checking for consistent wavefront type and size parameters when summing wavefronts (:pr:`313` and :pr:`326` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Fix an issue with MultiHexagonAperture in the specific case of 3 rings of hexes (:issue:`303` by :user:`LucasMarquis` and :user:`FredericCassaing`; :pr:`307` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Fix an issue with BaseWavefront class refactor (:pr:`311` by :user:`douglase` and :user:`jlumbres`)
* Fix an issue with indexing in HexSegmentedDeformableMirror when missing the center segment (:issue:`318` by :user:`ivalaginja`; :pr:`320` by :user:`mperrin`)
* Fix title display by OpticalElement.display function (:pr:`299` by :user:`shanosborne`)
* Fix display issue in SemiAnalyticCoronagraph class (:pr:`324` by :user:`mperrin`).
* Small improvements in some display labels (:pr:`307` by :user:`mperrin`)

*Note*, the new functionality for gray pixel representation of circular apertures does not work precisely for elliptical
apertures such as from inclined optics. You may see warnings about this in cases when you use `inclination_y` or
`inclination_x` attributes on a circular aperture. This warning is generally benign; the calculation is still more
accurate than it would be without the subpixel sampling, though not perfectly precise. This known issue will likely be
improved upon in a future release.


First Python3-only version of poppy. See release notes and documentation for more details.

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