- Now constantly checks for updated version incase your porder version is not updated. - Added a reorder tool for users to reorder an exiting order or failed order.
- ID check tool now works with/without geometry, pass an idlist, and item and asset type to check. - Order size tool is optimized for speed. - pipwin tool uploaded to v0.5.0 to handle windows packages. - Overall general improvements.
- Now estimates total download size before downloading. - Fixed issue with downloading single archive zip files.
- Updated readme to do bulk conversion from Shapefile and KML to geojson. - Fixed issues with bundles read and update.
- Fixed issues with direct usage of kml to get idlist. - Combined convert tool to convert folders with shapefiles and kml to geojsons.
v0.6.6-v0.6.7 - Fixed downloader for pipwin for [release >= 0.4.8](https://github.com/lepisma/pipwin/pull/41) - Improved overall package installation for windows - Check pipwin import version to get release 0.4.9
- Added bundles check function to get latest bundles from [developers page](https://developers.planet.com/docs/orders/product-bundles-reference/).