This is the first point that the code has enough features to be useful, so we'll call it 0.1-alpha. Obviously still lots of work to do and features to add, but at this point it can do the following:
- Generate images of spheres and blobs with a specified porosity for testing. Opening actual images requires the _imageio_ package, which is a new effort to open ALL image formats as Numpy arrays, including the recent addition of 3D tiffs.
- Perform several of the image analysis techniques reported by Torquato in his book Random Heterogeneous Materials, including: Chord Length Distribution, Two-Point Correlation Function, Pore Size Distribution Function.
- Morphological Image Opening to simulate porosimetry curves
It is available on PyPI using `pip install porespy -v` The -v is required since it's tagged as an alpha version so pip doesn't let you install unless you ask explicitly.