
Latest version: v0.6.3

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What's Changed
* Missing cap values by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/126
* Use BLS api to get CPI data and store as CSV by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/124
* Save AEO fuel price data locally by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/129
* Add operating gens from 860m that aren't in pudl by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/102
* Added a warning for typos in settings file ATB tech by annafjacobson in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/123
* Version bump and bug fixes from develop by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/131

This release has many bug fixes and speed improvements. It is also the last version that will keep existing output formats. Versions after this one will shift to outputs compatible with the open-source version of GenX and eventually to a PG specific output format.

- Reconcile gen IDs in the fgd csv and PUDL
- Fix bug where the number of existing units < num clusters caused an error
- Fix missing seasonal capacity values from generators, filling them with nameplate capacity instead (with the exception of combined cycle units, where seasonal capacity is often combined across all of the CT or CS generators)
- Use the BLS API to get CPI data and store it locally as a CSV instead of using the cpi package (this takes 10-15 seconds off importing PG functions)
- Save all AEO API data locally (now saving fuel prices, previously had only saved regional demand)
- Check 860m to make sure that all existing generators are included (not just adding proposed)
- More checks for the settings file to catch potential user errors

New Contributors
* annafjacobson made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/123

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3


This will be the last release before we start making changes to the output file formats.

Accumulation of improvements and bug fixes.

- Change from nominal to real WACC when calculating investment annuities
- Account for coal unit FGD when calculating FOM costs; this uses a CSV data file but I don't expect coal FGD to change much in the future.
- Use input_folder for the user techs rather than data folder
- Don't force inclusion of RPS/CES policies in network file
- Change from Nominal to Real WACC
- Allow 1:many matches in EIA:ATB/user technologies
- Update parameter names in settings file
- Remove unused example settings file
- Other bug fixes


A minor release with some bug fixes and feature updates/changes.

- Fix offshore spur line km to mile conversion
- Can now read 860m files with different number of header/footer rows
- Pin xlrd version until we can update to Pandas 1.*
- Add a settings parameter `growth_scenario` to select an AEO load growth scenario. The default of `REF2020` will be used for now.
- Change retirement behavior. Plants that retire in a `model_year` (planning year) will be removed, rather than being retained.


The major update here was to use a [new version of the PUDL database with ATB 2020 data](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DamR83bR9DyY-gdXac6xYnp5iFhhzgO4/view?usp=sharing). The tables technology_costs_nrelatb and technology_heat_rates_nrelatb now contain data from both the 2019 and 2020 releases of ATB. The tables were changed from wide to long format, and PG code was modified to access only necessary data (rather than loading the whole tables). Other related changes include:

- Changes to parameter names in the ATB tables, which should also be changed in the settings file.
- `capex_mw` for `capex` (watch out so you don’t get capex_mwmwh from capex_mwh)
- `fixed_o_m_mw` for `o_m_fixed_mw` (same for the mwh version if it shows up anywhere)
- `variable_o_m_mwh` for `o_m_variable_mwh`
- Add the parameter `atb_data_year: 2020`

Other changes:

- Speed up filling null heat rates for existing generators.
- Modify nuclear fixed O&M to represent multi-unit, large single-unit (at least 900 MW), and small single-unit (less than 900 MW).
- Add the settings parameter `utc_offset`. Demand and renewable generation profiles are now shifted from UTC (how they're stored) based on this offset.
- Add month to long duration storage.
- Rename `long_duration_storage` to `time_series_mapping` in results of time domain reduction.
- Fill coal/nuclear unit ages where they are missing (median value for plant or 40 years as a heuristic).


This release adds a couple new features.

- Check settings file to make sure IPM regions are spelled correctly in region aggregations and model regions are included in `cost_multiplier_region_map` and `aeo_fuel_region_map`. These are things that could be easily messed up and might not have been obvious.
- Add a list of all EIA plant id and PUDL unit ids to results from each cluster (available through the API functions).


A series of bug fixes and minor upgrades. Adding type hints in new function and functions that are modified.

- Single region models
- Demand response (flexible load) bug with a single region
- No transmission lines created
- Error when no regions aggregated (or renamed)
- Example settings file
- Remove unused parameters in settings
- Missing IPM regions and wrong name for historical load region
- Add "R_ID" to gen variability columns to ensure unique names
- Don't ignore spaces in technology names when applying model tag values (mixed up EIA/ATB names)
- Reset heat rates that are > 35 mmbtu/MWh (~11% efficency). Set to median value for that technology. This likely catches combined heat & power plants and plants that are doing more ancillary services than generation.
- Scenario settings
- When building scenario settings, only raise an error if the full path to a parameter is listed more than once.
- Allow years to have different case ids.
- New function to check/fix resource min power value
- Round min_power to match variable generation profiles. Don't want to have higher min power than generation due to rounding.
- Fix startup fuel matching. Was previously finding the wrong value for coal power plants.
- Consolidate most of value rounding into a single function.

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