The major update here was to use a [new version of the PUDL database with ATB 2020 data]( The tables technology_costs_nrelatb and technology_heat_rates_nrelatb now contain data from both the 2019 and 2020 releases of ATB. The tables were changed from wide to long format, and PG code was modified to access only necessary data (rather than loading the whole tables). Other related changes include:
- Changes to parameter names in the ATB tables, which should also be changed in the settings file.
- `capex_mw` for `capex` (watch out so you don’t get capex_mwmwh from capex_mwh)
- `fixed_o_m_mw` for `o_m_fixed_mw` (same for the mwh version if it shows up anywhere)
- `variable_o_m_mwh` for `o_m_variable_mwh`
- Add the parameter `atb_data_year: 2020`
Other changes:
- Speed up filling null heat rates for existing generators.
- Modify nuclear fixed O&M to represent multi-unit, large single-unit (at least 900 MW), and small single-unit (less than 900 MW).
- Add the settings parameter `utc_offset`. Demand and renewable generation profiles are now shifted from UTC (how they're stored) based on this offset.
- Add month to long duration storage.
- Rename `long_duration_storage` to `time_series_mapping` in results of time domain reduction.
- Fill coal/nuclear unit ages where they are missing (median value for plant or 40 years as a heuristic).