
Latest version: v3.2.0

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This is the first release candidate for ppb version 0.5.

We went for a smaller release, but we got a lot done for it only being
a few months. The most important bits are that all of the input events
are in! Some cool stuff includes sprites scaling automatically and a
new way to move between scenes that uses the event system. That means
the old method is officially deprecated.

New stuff:
* MouseButton events
* Key events
* Add a title to the game window
* Sprite scaling based on game unit size
* Keycodes flags
* New scene change mechanism that uses the event system

Changed stuff:
* Scene defaults are now class attributes
* Most Sprite defaults are now class attributes
* Flags can now be type hinted properly
* Scenes no longer infinitely respawn their child scenes if running is
* Fixed an issue with the frame being different dimensions to the
* Fixed a bug in the Camera.point_in_viewport function
* Default pixel ratio is now 64:1 (64 pixels to 1 game unit)
* New (better) run function
* Other type hinting fixes

Removed stuff:
* bb attribute removed from sprites


0.4.0 had a bug on install that failed to install a backported library. This resolves that issue.




Subsystems, BaseSprite, CI

Important thinks to acknowledge:

* New subsystem architecture. Allows extension and modification of the run time without subclassing `GameEngine`.
* BaseSprites are ready for prime time!


BaseSprite can be used for locations, but doesn't have any of the rendering hooked up.

* Scenes needed to return False to continue operating. Now need to return True which is more intuitive. https://github.com/pathunstrom/pursuedpybear/issues/45
* Return None for next scene would crash the engine. Now can return None when you don't want to replace the current scene. https://github.com/pathunstrom/pursuedpybear/issues/44
* Flickering in Windows platforms resolved. https://github.com/pathunstrom/pursuedpybear/pull/58
* No longer need to set Sprite.dirty to True each frame.

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