* **Split video by chapters**: using option `--split-chapters`
* The output file of the split files can be set with `-o`/`-P` using the prefix `chapter:`
* Additional keys `section_title`, `section_number`, `section_start`, `section_end` are available in the output template
* **Parallel fragment downloads** by [shirt](https://github.com/shirt-dev)
* Use option `--concurrent-fragments` (`-N`) to set the number of threads (default 1)
* Merge youtube-dl: Upto [commit/3be0980](https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/commit/3be098010f667b14075e3dfad1e74e5e2becc8ea)
* [zee5] Add Show Extractor by [Ashish0804](https://github.com/Ashish0804) and [pukkandan](https://github.com/pukkandan)
* [rai] fix drm check [nixxo](https://github.com/nixxo)
* [wimtv] Add extractor by [nixxo](https://github.com/nixxo)
* [mtv] Add mtv.it and extract series metadata by [nixxo](https://github.com/nixxo)
* [pluto.tv] Add extractor by [kevinoconnor7](https://github.com/kevinoconnor7)
* [youtube] Rewrite comment extraction by [coletdjnz](https://github.com/coletdjnz)
* [embedthumbnail] Set mtime correctly
* Refactor some postprocessor/downloader code by [pukkandan](https://github.com/pukkandan) and [shirt](https://github.com/shirt-dev)