- pre-commit config validation was split to a separate `cfgv` library
- 700 PR by asottile.
- Allow `--repo` to be specified multiple times to autoupdate
- 658 issue by KevinHock.
- 713 PR by asottile.
- Enable `rev` as a preferred alternative to `sha` in `.pre-commit-config.yaml`
- 106 issue by asottile.
- 715 PR by asottile.
- Use `--clean-src` option when invoking `nodeenv` to save ~70MB per node env
- 717 PR by asottile.
- Refuse to install with `core.hooksPath` set
- pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks250 issue by revolter.
- 663 issue by asottile.
- 718 PR by asottile.
- hooks with `additional_dependencies` now get isolated environments
- 590 issue by coldnight.
- 711 PR by asottile.
- test against swift 4.x
- 709 by theresama.
- Run `pre-commit migrate-config` to convert `sha` to `rev` in the
`.pre-commit-config.yaml` file.