Fixed ~~~~~~~ - Extraction mode was not properly taken into account in the shape features.
Removed ~~~~~~~ - Coliage features, as they were deprecated, not used in years.
Fixed ~~~~~~~ - Bug in shape features when voxel volume could not be computed from metadata. - Included assertionerror in shape feature computation.
Changed ~~~~~~~ - In shape feature computation, previously features had value np.NaN if for a single slice the feature was not defined in 2D / 2.5D feature extraction. Switched to ignoring NaNs.
Fixed ~~~~~~~ - Raise error when contour consists of a single pixel. Previously, we still computed features, but the majority was NaN, so it did not make sense.
Added ~~~~~~~ - Various other image types can now also be given to PREDICT to compute features.
Fixed ~~~~~~~ - 2D volume was computed on labeled mask, not binary mask. - Related to above, 3D shape features were not computed on all connected components - Bug in separation between 2D, 2.5D, and 3D computation of features
Added ~~~~~~~ - Manufacturer routine to DICOM features
Added ~~~~~~~ - In DICOM features, routines for several tags to convert the value to a float. Also support for extracting any tag required, as long as it contains a float.
Changed ~~~~~~~ - Patient features are now called dicom features. More accurate, as they are extracted from the DICOM tags.