
Latest version: v4.2.11

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Page 5 of 22


Alpha Releases

Alpha releases have a fairly low bar. Their purpose is to start putting the new JupyterLab version into the hands of users and extension authors.

The requirements for an alpha release should be that JupyterLab can be installed and run. Bugs and breaking changes are accepted.

Beta Releases

Beta releases usually try to not have breaking changes in the API, although breaking changes can sometimes happen during that phase if they were missed during the alpha stage.

The recommended time period for the Beta phase is a minimum of 2 weeks.

The draft changelog describing user-facing changes will be published with the first Beta release.

The community of extension developers and active users will be invited to commence testing the new Beta release including the draft user-facing changelog, and an invitation to open issues for any major:

- regressions,
- usability problems
- points needing clarification (or inclusion) in the changelog, and
- points needing clarification in the extension porting guide.

The start of the Beta-testing period will be announced on Jupyter mailing group and Jupyter Discourse for major releases, and only via a Discourse post for minor releases.

All bug reports raised during the Beta-testing period should be triaged (but not necessarily addressed) before releasing the first release candidate.

Release Candidates

Release Candidates (RC) are a signal to the extension developer community that they should start migrating to the new version to test it. At that point we consider the software stable.

The RC stage is often a good time to address final release documentation changes or minor UX tweaks. During the RC phase, the JupyterLab developers and maintainers start updating third-party extensions over to the new version to test it. This work during the RC phase, and giving time for feedback from extension developers, can take up to a couple of weeks.

The recommended time period for the Release Candidate phase is a minimum of 1 week for minor releases, and 2 weeks for major releases.

Automated Releases with the Jupyter Releaser

The recommended way to make a release is to use [`jupyter_releaser`](


The full process is documented in There is a recording of the full workflow on [YouTube](

Here is a quick summary of the different steps.

Communicate on Gitter

It is good practice to let other maintainers and users know when starting a new release.

For this we usually leave a small message in the `jupyterlab` room on Gitter:
Once the release is done, we also post a message with a link to the release notes, which include the changelog.

1. Prep Release

The first step is to generate a new changelog entry for the upcoming release.

We use the "Prep Release" workflow as documented here:

Go the Actions tab of the JupyterLab Repo and click on the `1. Prep Release` workflow:

The workflow takes a couple of input parameters. Here is an overview with example values:

| Input | Description | Example Value |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Target | The owner/repo GitHub target | `jupyterlab/jupyterlab` |
| Branch | The branch to target | `main` |
| Version Spec | New Version Spec | `next` |
| Since | Use PRs since activity since this date or git reference | `v4.0.0a15` |

The version spec follows the specification documented below in the [Bump Version](bump-version) section.

We can use `next` when making a `patch` release or a `build` pre-release.

Click on "Run workflow", then once completed:

1. Go to the Releases:
1. Check the draft GitHub Release has been created
1. Make edits to the changelog if needed. ⚠️ If you make edits to the content of the GitHub Release, then don't forget to click on "Save Draft" and not "Publish Release".

2. Publish Release

PyPI and npm tokens

Before running the "Publish Release" workflow, make sure you have been added to:

- the `jupyterlab` project on PyPI:
- the `jupyterlab` organization on npm:

Then create the PyPI and npm tokens. Check out the links in the [Jupyter Releaser Setup Documentation]( for more information.

Running the workflow

On the [Actions]( page, select the "2. Publish Release" workflow.

Fill in the information as mentioned in the body of the changelog PR, for example:

| Input | Value |
| ------------------------------------- | ----- |
| The target branch | main |
| The URL of the draft GitHub release | |
| Comma separated list of steps to skip | |

The "Publish Release" workflow:

- builds and uploads the `jupyterlab` Python package to PyPI
- builds the `jupyterlab/*` packages and uploads them to `npm`
- creates a new GitHub Release with the new changelog entry as release notes
- creates a PR to forward port the new changelog entry to the main branch (when releasing from a branch that is not the default)

Then follow the [Post release candidate checklist](post-release-candidate-checklist) if applicable.

Manual Release Process

Review ``. Make sure all the tools needed to generate the
built JavaScript files are properly installed.

Creating a full release

We publish the npm packages, a Python source package, and a Python universal
binary wheel. We also publish a conda package on conda-forge (see below). See
the Python docs on [package
uploading]( for twine
setup instructions and for why twine is the recommended method.

Getting a clean environment

For convenience, here is a script for getting a completely clean repo. This
makes sure that we don't have any extra tags or commits in our repo (especially
since we will push our tags later in the process), and that we are on the correct branch. The script creates a conda env, pulls down a git checkout with the
appropriate branch, and installs JupyterLab with `pip install -e .`.

Make sure you are running an sh-compatible shell, and it is set up to be able to do `conda activate`. Then do:

source scripts/ <branch_name>

Bump version

The next step is to bump the appropriate version numbers. We use
[bump2version]( to manage the Python
version, and we keep the JS versions and tags in sync with the release cycle.

Here is an example of how version numbers progress through a release process.
Choose and run an appropriate command to bump version numbers for this release.

| Command | Python Version Change | NPM Version change |
| -------------------------- | --------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| `jlpm bumpversion major` | x.y.z-> (x+1).0.0.a0 | All a.b.c -> a.(b+10).0-alpha.0 |
| `jlpm bumpversion minor` | x.y.z-> x.(y+1).0.a0 | All a.b.c -> a.(b+1).0-alpha.0 |
| `jlpm bumpversion build` | x.y.z.a0-> x.y.z.a1 | All a.b.c-alpha.0 -> a.b.c-alpha.1 |
| `jlpm bumpversion release` | x.y.z.a1-> x.y.z.b0 | All a.b.c-alpha.1 -> a.b.c-beta.0 |
| `jlpm bumpversion release` | x.y.z.b1-> x.y.z.rc0 | All a.b.c-beta.1 -> a.b.c-rc.0 |
| `jlpm bumpversion release` | x.y.z.rc0-> x.y.z | All a.b.c-rc0 -> a.b.c |
| `jlpm bumpversion patch` | x.y.z -> x.y.(z+1) | Changed a.b.c -> a.b.(c+1) |

Note: For a major release, we bump the JS packages by 10 versions so that
we are not competing amongst the minor releases for version numbers.
We are essentially sub-dividing semver to allow us to bump minor versions
of the JS packages as many times as we need to for minor releases of the
top level JupyterLab application.

JS major release(s)

In a major Python release, we can have one or more JavaScript packages also have
a major bump. During the prerelease stage of a major release, if there is a
backwards-incompatible change to a JS package, bump the major version number for
that JS package:

`jlpm bump:js:major [...packages]`

**NOTE** You should rebase before running `jlpm bump:js:major` to avoid a cascade of merge conflicts.


- Python package is not affected.
- JS dependencies are also bumped a major version.
- Packages that have already had a major bump in this prerelease cycle are not affected.
- All affected packages changed to match the current release type of the Python package (`alpha`, `beta`, or `rc`).

Publishing Packages

Now publish the JS packages

npm run publish:js

If there is a network error during JS publish, run `npm run publish:js --skip-build` to resume publish without requiring another clean and build phase of the JS packages.

Note that the use of `npm` instead of `jlpm` is [significant on Windows](

Next, prepare the python release by running:

npm run prepare:python-release

This will update the Python package to use the new JS packages and
create the Python release assets. Note: sometimes the npm registry
is slow to update with the new packages, so this script tries to fetch
the packages until they are available.

At this point, run the `./scripts/` to test the wheel in
a fresh conda environment with and without extensions installed. Open and run
the Outputs notebook and verify everything runs properly. Also add a cell with the following code and make sure the widget renders:

from ipywidgets import IntSlider


Follow instructions printed at the end of the publish step above:

twine upload dist/*
git push origin --tags <BRANCH>

These lines:

- upload to pypi with twine
- double-check what branch you are on, then push changes to the correct upstream branch with the `--tags` option.

Post release candidate checklist

- [ ] Modify and run `python scripts/` to check the issues assigned to this milestone
- [ ] Write [release highlights](, starting with:
loghub jupyterlab/jupyterlab -m XXX -t $GITHUB_TOKEN --template scripts/release_template.txt

- [ ] Test the release candidate in a clean environment
- [ ] Make sure the CI builds pass
- The build will fail if we publish a new package because by default it is
private. Use `npm access public jupyterlab/<name>` to make it public.
- The build will fail if we forget to include `style/` in the `files:`
of a package (it will fail on the `jupyter lab build` command because
webpack cannot find the referenced styles to import.
- [ ] Update the other repos:
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ] Publish a release (with a **updated tag**) to the [extension template]( with the new JupyterLab version
- [ ] Update the extension examples:
- [ ] [Notebook toolbar button](
- [ ] [Notebook widget](
- [ ] Update the [extension tutorial](
- [ ] At this point, there may have been some more commits merged. Run `python scripts/` to check the issues assigned to this milestone one more time. Update changelog if necessary.

Now do the actual final release:

- [ ] Run `jlpm run bumpversion release` to switch to final release
- [ ] Push the commit and tags to main
- [ ] Run `npm run publish:all` to publish the packages
- [ ] Create a branch for the release and push to GitHub
- [ ] Update the API [docs](updating-api-docs)
- [ ] Merge the PRs on the other repos and set the default branch of the
xckd repo
- [ ] Publish to [conda-forge](

After a few days (to allow for possible patch releases), set up development for
the next release:

- [ ] Run `jlpm run bumpversion minor` to bump to alpha for the next alpha release
- [ ] Put the commit and tags to main
- [ ] Run `npm run publish:all` to publish the packages
- [ ] Release the other repos as appropriate
- [ ] Update version for [binder](

Updating the extension tutorial

- Clone the repo if you don't have it

git clone

Simple updates by rebasing

If the updates are simple, it may be enough to check out a new branch based on
the current base branch, then rebase from the root commit, editing the root
commit and other commits that involve installing packages to update to the new

git checkout -b BRANCH whatever the new version is, e.g., 1.0
git rebase -i --root

To seed the latest version of the extension template (first commit), you
can execute (assuming you are editing the first commit):

copier copy --UNSAFE .
Fix any conflicts
git commit --amend '-S'

"Edit" the commits that involve installing packages, so you can update the
`package.json`. Amend the last commit to bump the version number in package.json
in preparation for publishing to npm. Then skip down to the step below about
publishing the extension tutorial. If the edits are more substantial than just
updating package versions, then do the next steps instead.

Creating the tutorial from scratch

- Create a new empty branch in the extension repo.

git checkout --orphan name-of-branch
git rm -rf .
git clean -dfx
copier copy --UNSAFE .

- Create a new PR in JupyterLab.
- Run through the tutorial in the PR, making commits and updating
the tutorial as appropriate.
- For the publish section of the readme, use the `README`
file from the previous branch, as well as the `package.json` fields up to
`license`. Bump the version number in preparation for publishing to npm.

Publishing extension tutorial changes

- Tag commits in the branch with the appropriate `branch-step` tag. If you are at the final commit, you can tag all commits with the below, setting `BRANCH` with the branch name (e.g., `1.0-01-show-a-panel`)

export BRANCH=<branch-name>
git tag ${BRANCH}-01-show-a-panel HEAD~4
git tag ${BRANCH}-02-show-an-image HEAD~3
git tag ${BRANCH}-03-style-and-attribute HEAD~2
git tag ${BRANCH}-04-refactor-and-refresh HEAD~1
git tag ${BRANCH}-05-restore-panel-state HEAD

- Push the branch with the new tags

git push origin ${BRANCH} --tags

Set the branch as the default branch (see ``).

- If there were changes to the example in the documentation, submit a PR to JupyterLab

- Publish the new `jupyterlab_apod` python package. Make sure to update the version
number in the last commit of the branch.

twine upload dist/*

If you make a mistake and need to start over, clear the tags using the
following pattern:

git tag | grep ${BRANCH} | xargs git tag -d

Publishing to conda-forge

- If no requirements have changed, wait for the conda-forge autotick-bot.
- Otherwise:
- Get the sha256 hash for conda-forge release:

shasum -a 256 dist/*.tar.gz

- Fork
- Create a PR with the version bump
- Update `recipe/meta.yaml` with the new version and sha256 and reset the build number to 0.

Making a manual patch release

- Backport the change to the previous release branch
- Run the following script, where the package is in `/packages/package-folder-name` (note that multiple packages can be given, or no packages for a Python-only patch release):

jlpm run patch:release package-folder-name

- Push the resulting commit and tag

Update version for binder

Each time we release JupyterLab, we should update the version of JupyterLab
used in binder and repo2docker. Here is an example PR that updates the
relevant files:

This needs to be done in both the conda and pip buildpacks in both the
frozen and non-frozen version of the files.

Making a Minor Release


- Create a pinned issue
- Create a milestone
- Decide on a scope for the release and set a target final release date

Alpha and Beta Phase

- Create a new branch from the previous release branch
- Use a ".x" in the branch name so we can continue to use it for patches
- Update branch and RTD config in `ensure_repo.ts` and run `jlpm integrity` to update links - source should be the previous release branch
- Update readthedocs branch config as appropriate
- Automated Release using "minor" - edit changelog for new section
- Move through alpha and beta phases as appropriate

RC Phase

- Roll up the release notes using the "Use PRs with activity since the last stable git tag" option when running the workflows
- Update the release issue with an updated date

Final Release

- Roll up the release notes using the "Use PRs with activity since the last stable git tag" option when running the workflows
- Close the release issue
- Rename milestone to use ".x"
- Make an announcement on Discourse

Making a Major Release


- Create a pinned issue
- Create a milestone
- Decide on a scope for the release and set a target final release date

Alpha and Beta Phase

- Update branch and RTD config in `ensure_repo.ts` and `jlpm integrity` to update links - source should be the previous branch
- Update readthedocs branch config as appropriate
- Automated Release using "major" - edit changelog for new section
- Move through alpha and beta phases as appropriate

RC Phase

- Roll up the release notes using the "Use PRs with activity since the last stable git tag" option when running the workflows
- Create a new branch from the default branch with ".x" in the name so we can continue to use it for patches
- Update the release issue with an updated date

Final Release

- Roll up the release notes using the "Use PRs with activity since the last stable git tag" option when running the workflows
- Close the release issue and rename milestone to use ".x"
- Make an announcement on Discourse
- Make a blog post


Here is a list of previous issues that happened while releasing JupyterLab, that can be used as reference in case
new issues show up in the future:

- HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway (JupyterLab `4.0.0a23`):
- Degraded performance of npm publish (JupyterLab `4.0.0b2`):
- Wrong URLs break publishing to npm with provenance:
- Release team missing privileges on packages removed in 4.0:


([Full Changelog](

JupyterLab 4 is released! :tada:

Check out the new features, improvements and bug fixes:

For extension authors, there is a migration guide available to help you migrate your extensions to JupyterLab 4:


For reference, below are the changed since `v4.0.0rc1`:

Bugs fixed

- Log console can be linked to any document widget [14517]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix yarn argument [14515]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix some usages of the translation object [14514]( ([fcollonval](
- Add math expression parser for markdown [14509]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix kernel completion provider assumptions [14505]( ([krassowski](
- Fix completer bug with cycling through options [14475]( ([afshin](

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Bump typedoc [14537]( ([krassowski](
- Fix some usages of the translation object [14514]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove all registry handling in lock files [14504]( ([fcollonval](

Documentation improvements

- Remove all registry handling in lock files [14504]( ([fcollonval](

Contributors to this release

([GitHub contributors page for this release](

[afshin]( | [andrii-i]( | [fcollonval]( | [github-actions]( | [HaudinFlorence]( | [jupyterlab-probot]( | [krassowski]( | [welcome](


([Full Changelog](

Bugs fixed

- Fix yarn deduplication and check [14498]( ([fcollonval](
- Don't listen for cell resizing when notebooks is hiding [14491]( ([fcollonval](
- Switch default notebook windowing mode to 'defer' [14490]( ([fcollonval](
- Initialize PluginList .\_query to '' instead of undefined if query parameter is not passed [14486]( ([andrii-i](
- Fix initial load of contextual help [14484]( ([afshin](
- Improve extension upgrade script [14482]( ([fcollonval](
- Updates announcements to better conform to RFC atom standard. [14480]( ([andrewfulton9](
- Fix side-by-side cell input/output rendering in Firefox [14479]( ([afshin](
- Fix TableOfContentsFactory typing [14477]( ([fcollonval](
- Force rerendering if changes happen during an update. [14459]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix custom CSS in Virtual notebook rendering [14444]( ([fcollonval](
- Align search icon in filter box [14427]( ([bikash30851](
- Fix `Notebook._ensureFocus` [14425]( ([fcollonval](
- Right-align notification buttons, reduce outer padding, add space between buttons and message [14412]( ([andrii-i](
- Improve focus behaviour in search [14387]( ([krassowski](

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Remove a noisy console warn in the metadata form [14483]( ([afshin](
- Bump pandas from 1.5.3 to 2.0.1 [14472]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ipython from 8.12.0 to 8.13.1 [14470]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.7.8 to 35.9.2 [14469]( ([dependabot](
- Update Darian's affiliation [14468]( ([afshin](
- Wait for `.lm-hidden` class to disappear before taking snapshot [14456]( ([krassowski](

Documentation improvements

- Improve documentation [14502]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix yarn deduplication and check [14498]( ([fcollonval](
- Updates announcements to better conform to RFC atom standard. [14480]( ([andrewfulton9](
- Update Darian's affiliation [14468]( ([afshin](
- Fix documentation formatting [14465]( ([JaSpa](
- Update contributing.rst [14462]( ([gabalafou](
- Fix broken links in galata/ [14451]( ([gabalafou](
- Document how to use of the command linker Markdown feature [14450]( ([bikash30851](
- Fix custom CSS in Virtual notebook rendering [14444]( ([fcollonval](

Contributors to this release

([GitHub contributors page for this release](

[afshin]( | [andrewfulton9]( | [andrii-i]( | [bikash30851]( | [dependabot]( | [fcollonval]( | [gabalafou]( | [github-actions]( | [JaSpa]( | [jtpio]( | [jupyterlab-probot]( | [krassowski]( | [meeseeksdev]( | [pre-commit-ci]( | [welcome](


([Full Changelog](

New features added

- Add output prompt overlay for toggling scroll mode [14072]( ([krassowski](
- Debugger: copy value of variable to clipboard [13670]( ([brichet](
- Add copy and paste commands to terminal context menu [13535]( ([krassowski](
- Scroll to cell by ID based on hash fragment [13285]( ([krassowski](
- Persistent side-by-side ratio setting [12633]( ([echarles](

Enhancements made

- Improve header space use, restore description, remove unused styles [14441]( ([krassowski](
- Upgrade ydoc [14395]( ([hbcarlos](
- Pass traceback to ServerConnection.ResponseError [14328]( ([a3626a](
- Update extension upgrade script [14279]( ([fcollonval](
- Add desktop file and icon for it [14277]( ([frenzymadness](
- Load `::-webkit-scrollbar` styles on-demand [14275]( ([krassowski](
- Update to TypeScript 5 final [14215]( ([jtpio](
- Adds ids_only argument to the fetch settings request [14211]( ([brichet](
- Align Extension manager buttonbar right [14205]( ([andrii-i](
- Load Python CM parser asynchronously [14198]( ([fcollonval](
- Improves page loading time by reducing server requests related to settings [14195]( ([brichet](
- Add CellList as exported type [14185]( ([peytondmurray](
- Show first line of cell when collapsed [14141]( ([marthacryan](
- Add bottom area to add cells [14109]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Rework search in selection in notebook [14090]( ([krassowski](
- Improve position of output scroll toggle overlay [14087]( ([krassowski](
- Lazily load nbconvert export formats, and optionally cache results [14081]( ([bollwyvl](
- Substitute group references in search-and-replace [14080]( ([krassowski](
- Display the version in the extension manager [14078]( ([jtpio](
- Option to disable the autolink feature [14068]( ([cccs-nik](
- Move the file name searcher to the file browser toolbar [14064]( ([jtpio](
- Display shortcuts [14053]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Add support for showing the file size in the File Browser [14044]( ([jtpio](
- Include source in dists [14028]( ([vidartf](
- Using metadataform for default notebooktools [14026]( ([brichet](
- More informative and specific titles for links and buttons [14017]( ([JasonWeill](
- Split standard input line history per session (notebook) [13944]( ([telamonian](
- implements 13797: adds reverse/forward history search for stdin inputs [13937]( ([telamonian](
- Update to ajv 8 and react-json-schema-form 5 [13924]( ([bollwyvl](
- Notify command explicitly [13915]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve Galata [13909]( ([fcollonval](
- Move RTC packages to an extension [13907]( ([hbcarlos](
- Introduce disabled states for the cell move up/move down icons [13898]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Add copy option for directories [13886]( ([kenyaachon](
- Make changes to the tooltips of the toolbar actions. [13861]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Caret operator in documentation [13856]( ([JasonWeill](
- Improve kernels pane in running sidebar [13851]( ([afshin](
- Improves translator API [13834]( ([hbcarlos](
- Rework sidebar styles to allow adoption of css `contain:strict` [13831]( ([krassowski](
- Improve form renderer registry [13823]( ([fcollonval](
- Add languages to the command palette [13815]( ([jtpio](
- New multi line search [13810]( ([c00kie123](
- Updates jupyter_ydoc, removes the docprovider and uses drives as providers [13786]( ([hbcarlos](
- Reduces the context of the form used in metadataform [13781]( ([brichet](
- Add support for replace preserving case [13778]( ([krassowski](
- Add whole-word matching option in search bar [13777]( ([krassowski](
- Merge Component registries [13769]( ([brichet](
- `default` locale will use OS default locale [13721]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove not needed `Completer.IRenderer.sanitizer` [13700]( ([fcollonval](
- Address some additional translation holes [13696]( ([fcollonval](
- Upgrades Xterm to v. 5 [13685]( ([JasonWeill](
- Accessibility: role and aria-label [13682]( ([brichet](
- Contain the tabs within the tabbar (do not use translation transform) [13671]( ([krassowski](
- Improve completer rendering performance [13663]( ([krassowski](
- Expose `contentVisibility` widget hiding mode [13652]( ([krassowski](
- Turn terminal links into anchors using xterm addon [13645]( ([mgcth](
- Use tokens to extend CodeMirror editors [13639]( ([fcollonval](
- Add an input dialog for multiple selection [13621]( ([brichet](
- Filtering breakpoints on exception in debugger [13601]( ([brichet](
- Drop typestyle [13584]( ([fcollonval](
- Make file browser respond to focussed elements [13577]( ([gabalafou](
- Use more the contextual collaborative model attribute [13564]( ([fcollonval](
- Add copy and paste commands to terminal context menu [13535]( ([krassowski](
- Set font families that were not specified. [13533]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Sets whether the model is collaborative or not when registering its factory [13526]( ([hbcarlos](
- RTC: Move user name to user panel [13517]( ([martinRenou](
- Sanitize notification message [13510]( ([fcollonval](
- jupyter_server_ydoc>=0.6.0,\<0.7.0 [13492]( ([davidbrochart](
- Follow-on to events service [13485]( ([afshin](
- Copy variable in kernel from debugger panel [13476]( ([brichet](
- Move the toggle file browser logic to the widget [13466]( ([brichet](
- Check if `contentHeader` is not disposed before accessing widgets [13453]( ([krassowski](
- Allows to pause the execution during debug [13433]( ([brichet](
- Fix propagating the sanitizer to the completer renderer [13418]( ([fcollonval](
- Move configuration to jupyter-server-ydoc [13413]( ([davidbrochart](
- Added collaborative_document_save_delay trait [13392]( ([davidbrochart](
- Extract jupyterlab/shared-models to jupyter-notebook/ydoc [13389]( ([fcollonval](
- Add a hover effect to plugin list entries [13384]( ([krassowski](
- Add announcements [13365]( ([fcollonval](
- Add user configuration for additional schemes for the sanitizer plugin [13341]( ([kostyafarber](
- Close search view on Escape [13340]( ([krassowski](
- Store document info in the state not in a separate context map out of the document interface. [13317]( ([fcollonval](
- Set font sizes with css variables [13305]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Reduce CI test flake due to kernel switching to busy [13287]( ([krassowski](
- Do not run galata in `.ipynb_checkpoints` [13286]( ([krassowski](
- Use settings icons for 6 plugins [13284]( ([krassowski](
- Define file or activity icons color as static [13279]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Link the background colors and the ui font colors in the relevant css. [13276]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Ask confirmation when closing a document [13267]( ([alec-kr](
- Fix illegible white on yellow text of stacktrace in dark theme [13249]( ([NikolayXHD](
- Drop modelDB from code editor [13247]( ([fcollonval](
- Use file ID [13246]( ([davidbrochart](
- Store original path as returned from contents API in the `Contents.IModel` [13216]( ([krassowski](
- Relax doc provider API [13214]( ([fcollonval](
- Optimize text mimerenderer: ansi vs autolink [13202]( ([vidartf](
- Improve shared-models API [13168]( ([fcollonval](
- Adjust CSS styles degrading performance in Chromium browsers [13159]( ([krassowski](
- Add a setter to TagWidget's parent [13111]( ([brichet](
- Collapse debugger panel when disabling debugger [13088]( ([yanmulin](
- Running panel - switch to SidePanel [13074]( ([fcollonval](
- Raise ceiling on jupyter_server dependency to \< 3 [13068]( ([Zsailer](
- Fix blurry icons in Launcher at 400% Zoom [13057]( ([steff456](
- Create a form to read and write the metadata of Notebook's cells [13056]( ([brichet](
- Avoids restoring widget in dock panel when first loading in 'single-document' mode [13037]( ([brichet](
- Add a title to the debugger sidebar widget [12987]( ([jtpio](
- Support subprotocols in kernel restart [12981]( ([davidbrochart](
- Increase translation coverage [12971]( ([fcollonval](
- Add notification queue and display using toast [12959]( ([telamonian](
- Prompt for renaming at first manual save [12953]( ([fcollonval](
- User service [12926]( ([hbcarlos](
- LSP follow-up [12899]( ([trungleduc](
- Set `Contents.ContentType` to string [12875]( ([trungleduc](
- Add more ways to copy the currently opened file [12870]( ([peytondmurray](
- Add trustbydefault param to htmlviewer-extension [12868]( ([oscar6echo](
- New extension manager [12866]( ([fcollonval](
- Moved theme Map and added API to use it from other dependencies [12861]( ([JohanMabille](
- Run kernel on cell execution when no kernel [12858]( ([a3626a](
- Removes info about meeting notes on Binder [12847]( ([JasonWeill](
- Add an option to enable "fast checks" of the jupyter lab build. [12844]( ([thetorpedodog](
- feat: Add .webp filetype in docRegistry. [12839]( ([yangql176](
- Adds version maintenance policy [12829]( ([JasonWeill](
- Debugger: Make kernel source list react based [12751]( ([vidartf](
- Optimize debugger editor `eachLine` loops [12746]( ([vidartf](
- Add resize handle for scrolled cell outputs [12740]( ([peytondmurray](
- Bump xtermjs to latest [12715]( ([yuvipanda](
- Split the Document Manager extension into multiple plugins [12701]( ([jtpio](
- Edit Gitpod configuration to be able to work on the documentation [12697]( ([jtpio](
- Remove modeldb [12695]( ([dmonad](
- Add events service [12667]( ([afshin](
- remove reference to blueprint.js in css [12663]( ([fcollonval](
- Make password inputs not give away how many characters were typed [12659]( ([jasongrout](
- Persistent side-by-side ratio setting [12633]( ([echarles](
- add "close all tabs" context action [12620]( ([rursprung](

Bugs fixed

- initialize \_replaceText to '' [14433]( ([andrii-i](
- Fix typo in CoffeeScript label [14418]( ([krassowski](
- Change default indent unit to 4 [14411]( ([fcollonval](
- Console history cell has unexpected cursor [14410]( ([fcollonval](
- Only apply margin on `<select>` instead of using universal CSS selector [14408]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve scrolling for insert cell and run and advance [14407]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove Brainf... parser [14406]( ([fcollonval](
- Restore rectangular selection (CodeMirror 6 migration follow-up) [14384]( ([krassowski](
- Make cell toolbar background transparent [14382]( ([krassowski](
- Add signal when an item factory is added to the toolbar [14376]( ([brichet](
- Fix cursor when hovering a kernel in the Running tab [14369]( ([yumyumqing](
- Fix search highlight in selection anchor of cell selection [14356]( ([krassowski](
- Ensure that initial text is updated on subsequent searches [14353]( ([krassowski](
- Fix "additional properties" settings editor validation error [14346]( ([marthacryan](
- Align notebook trust behaviour with trust in classic Notebook [14345]( ([krassowski](
- Adds buffer, uses zoom cursors for cell output collapser (supersedes 14266) [14344]( ([andrii-i](
- Resolve jest binary path in test:debug [14336]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix failure when setting debugger variables filter [14321]( ([afshin](
- Upgrades lumino/commands to 2.0.1, fixing emoji "enter" on macOS [14305]( ([JasonWeill](
- Fix examples further to CodeMirror API change [14293]( ([echarles](
- Fix color contrast of gutter line numbers in code mirror [14269]( ([andrii-i](
- Exclude .yarn cache from the dist [14242]( ([martinRenou](
- Fix cursor placement in stdin history search and navigation [14225]( ([krassowski](
- Fix save as without changing the file name [14212]( ([hbcarlos](
- Update jupyter-lsp and associated schema [14208]( ([fcollonval](
- Suppresses header check inside frontmatter [14203]( ([JasonWeill](
- CodeMirror packages has singletons [14199]( ([fcollonval](
- Make codemirror state and view packages singleton [14183]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix save as in collaborative mode [14182]( ([hbcarlos](
- Decodes URI before adding it to the tab title [14178]( ([hbcarlos](
- Do not update running list when hidden [14172]( ([krassowski](
- Keep extension manager panel sizes when pagination changes [14171]( ([FoSuCloud](
- Fix link colors 14084 (Previous PR 14129) [14159]( ([damiend97](
- Fix create-package [14156]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix getting current without activation for labels and captions [14152]( ([fcollonval](
- bug: Add fallback value for undefined className prop in GroupItem component [14140]( ([zrottman](
- Fixes contextual help attachment logic [14120]( ([JasonWeill](
- Hide `<code>` block in the UI when there is an error installing any extension. [14095]( ([kamalika0363](
- Search boxes: switch to `defaultValue`, add a test for typing [14085]( ([krassowski](
- Fix extension manager button background color [14079]( ([jtpio](
- Fix code/content/ui font-size change [14077]( ([FoSuCloud](
- Styling fixes for rjsm Settings Editor: remove accordions, rework "Restore to defaults" button, add placeholder [14074]( ([andrii-i](
- Property inspector styling fixes [14069]( ([JasonWeill](
- Debugger: check `hasCommand` before calling `notifyCommandChanged` [14066]( ([jtpio](
- Fix non-document wide undo stack [14063]( ([fcollonval](
- use singleton boolean type for codemirror `lineWiseCopyCut` setting [14055]( ([bollwyvl](
- Fix attachments [14052]( ([hbcarlos](
- Minor trust improvements [14039]( ([krassowski](
- Adds placeholder when TOC is empty [14024]( ([JasonWeill](
- Galata config helper should not set dev_mode [14012]( ([fcollonval](
- Restore using `runmenu:restart-an-run-all` [14000]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix galata update job [13999]( ([fcollonval](
- Use node 18 for benchmark [13982]( ([fcollonval](
- Hides cell toolbar when cell is collapsed [13964]( ([JasonWeill](
- Dispose properly objects [13960]( ([fcollonval](
- Fixes toolbar button for Restart Kernel and Run All [13939]( ([JasonWeill](
- Fix LSP adapter errors on tab close [13918]( ([afshin](
- Hide the cell toolbar on mobile / screens less than 760px wide to prevent cell obstruction [13896]( ([andrii-i](
- Define colour and background for filebrowser edit field [13895]( ([krassowski](
- Create a unified editor search provider [13884]( ([krassowski](
- Fix searching backwards in notebook [13883]( ([krassowski](
- Waits for panel reveal before measuring first cell for cell toolbar [13876]( ([JasonWeill](
- Fixes notebook's metadata in collaborative mode [13868]( ([hbcarlos](
- Use local paths instead of driveName:path in the shared model [13866]( ([hbcarlos](
- Updates jupyter_server_ydoc [13854]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix undefined css variables [13852]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Suppresses cell toolbar on collapsed input cells [13847]( ([JasonWeill](
- Removes nested A tag from extensionmanager code [13845]( ([JasonWeill](
- Reset execution indicator state when kernel restarts [13832]( ([krassowski](
- Fix starting search with selected text (if any) [13802]( ([krassowski](
- Updates to the kernel panel of the "running" sidebar [13792]( ([afshin](
- Fix `preferred_dir` for examples [13788]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump canvas to version with nodejs 18 binaries [13783]( ([fcollonval](
- Explain why cell model may be missing in cell toolbar [13763]( ([krassowski](
- Fix handling of `settingEditorType` [13761]( ([jtpio](
- Updates jupyter_ydoc [13735]( ([hbcarlos](
- Wrap kernel message binary buffers in DataView [13730]( ([davidbrochart](
- Upgrades Python to 3.10, Node to 18 [13722]( ([JasonWeill](
- Fix CodeQL warning [13712]( ([fcollonval](
- Faster rendering of the debugger tree [13707]( ([krassowski](
- Fix execution indicator in RTC mode [13693]( ([trungleduc](
- Update plugin ID of hub extension [13688]( ([mctoohey](
- Fix contrast on the plugin list, add screenshots to catch regressions [13661]( ([krassowski](
- Fix `replaceSelection`, add unit test [13657]( ([krassowski](
- Fix `RunningTerminal` access before initialization [13655]( ([krassowski](
- Write the browser open files for test [13634]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix select wrapping in inputDialog [13622]( ([brichet](
- Does not prevent default behavior when shift-clicking [13616]( ([jmk89](
- Fix issue 13569: `source_hidden` not effective. [13611]( ([yczhangsjtu](
- Add the `scaleFactor` value from the embed options when creating the PNG representation for a Vega-based chart [13610]( ([joaopalmeiro](
- use jupyter_config_dir instead of config_path\[0\] for workspaces, settings [13589]( ([minrk](
- Revert change to active menu bar item [13576]( ([fcollonval](
- Restores the appearance of the settingeditor's input focus [13554]( ([brichet](
- Fix a wrong argument when calling 'renderMimeVariable' [13531]( ([brichet](
- Set corrections to icons and switch colors [13500]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- Default `IDocumentProviderFactory.IOptions` generic to ISharedDocument [13490]( ([jtpio](
- Use same key for saving user info in local store [13482]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix syntax highlighting for JSON viewer in Jupyter Notebook [13470]( ([kostyafarber](
- Set fallback values for icons colors. [13468]( ([HaudinFlorence](
- enable document model specific collaboration [13458]( ([dlqqq](
- Fix token based completions, restore deduplication, follow up on completer refactor [13454]( ([krassowski](
- Fix `FileEditor.ready` [13426]( ([krassowski](
- Make focus visible (mostly CSS) [13415]( ([gabalafou](
- Remove metadata entries [13371]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix dirty propagation from shared model [13368]( ([fcollonval](
- Correct `dirty` handling in notebook model [13358]( ([fcollonval](
- Handle missing user service [13353]( ([fcollonval](
- Avoids use of deprecated to refer to a parameter [13309]( ([JasonWeill](
- Updates JSONEditor's source only when there is an active cell or an active notebook panel [13308]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix border-radius does not follow css variable [13289]( ([vthinkxie](
- Fix notebook trust in RTC [13273]( ([davidbrochart](
- Set `isUntitled` to false on document path changes [13268]( ([fcollonval](
- Don't dispose the notebook metadata editor on active cell change [13259]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove some unused CSS styles and fix icon alignment in plugin list [13255]( ([krassowski](
- Do not show side panel scrollbar when not needed [13253]( ([krassowski](
- Added scroll to Running Panel [13241]( ([kulsoomzahra](
- Removes triggering an event when replacing pasted text [13230]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix cell deletion error message [13201]( ([trungleduc](
- Use keystroke format consistent with menus [13200]( ([fcollonval](
- Add a title to the RTC panel [13196]( ([jtpio](
- Fix removing out of view cells [13194]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix JSON viewer syntax highlighting [13183]( ([jtpio](
- Always show tooltip in hover box even if edges are out of view [13161]( ([krassowski](
- Allow empty notebook [13141]( ([hbcarlos](
- Stop observing size disposed widget [13137]( ([fcollonval](
- Resolve core_path before calling nodejs [13126]( ([fcollonval](
- Pin jupyter_ydoc to 0.2 [13124]( ([hbcarlos](
- Avoid menus overflowing in small screens [13109]( ([steff456](
- Fallback to local yarn version if jlpm does not exist [13104]( ([fcollonval](
- Switch back to `display` to hide tabs [13103]( ([fcollonval](
- Preserve kernel icon aspect ratio [13090]( ([fcollonval](
- Added mimeType for .webp image files [13066]( ([alec-kr](
- Fix cell toolbar layout [13059]( ([kulsoomzahra](
- Keep completer visible when anchor is horizontally scrolled out of view [13046]( ([krassowski](
- Reorder of webpackConfig merge [13040]( ([matthewturk](
- Update Python icon to be PSF Trademark compliant [13035]( ([ajbozarth](
- Support stateStorage for API calls [13015]( ([fcollonval](
- Conditional call to waitIsReady in reload [13011]( ([fcollonval](
- update xterm.js dependency [12974]( ([athornton](
- Add scrolling to `debugger` variable renderer [12968]( ([firai](
- Fix resizing and selection of debugger variable explorer grid [12943]( ([firai](
- Only show "Shut Down Kernel" if kernel is running [12919]( ([krassowski](
- Bump jupyter_server_ydoc>=0.1.9 [12876]( ([davidbrochart](
- Fix progress bar not working after uploading multiple files finished [12871]( ([hsuanxyz](
- Fix kernel in the statusbar does not match the actual [12865]( ([hsuanxyz](
- Store Y updates [12852]( ([davidbrochart](
- Fixes renaming files from title while using a custom drive [12849]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix CI failures [12843]( ([fcollonval](
- Adjust css to not leave trace of deleted widgets [12838]( ([thomasaarholt](
- Remove drive prefix from the file path when creating the new path [12824]( ([hbcarlos](
- Use path to extract `tmpPath` [12823]( ([fcollonval](
- Robuster UI tests [12821]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix workspace URL while cloning a workspace [12794]( ([aditya211935](
- update tab name after file rename [12791]( ([RobbyPratl](
- Update base.css [12783]( ([siddartha-10](
- Updates ydoc [12779]( ([hbcarlos](
- Debugger: Fix CSS for variables inspecting [12749]( ([martinRenou](
- Fix staging/yarn.lock registry [12742]( ([vidartf](
- Set focus when active cell changes only from mouse click [12735]( ([fcollonval](
- Translate "Default: " and "Remove" in custom fields [12732]( ([krassowski](
- Fix cell toolbar overlap in side-by-side render mode [12710]( ([peytondmurray](
- Split the Document Manager extension into multiple plugins [12701]( ([jtpio](
- Fix arrow position on unrendered markdown cell [12650]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix kernel protocol serialization [12619]( ([davidbrochart](
- Break loop activeCell -> activeHeading [12612]( ([fcollonval](

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Bump lumino to 2.1.1 [14447]( ([fcollonval](
- Update jupyter-lsp schema [14430]( ([krassowski](
- Fix documentation build on CI [14423]( ([jtpio](
- Fix CI: remove/update broken docs links [14414]( ([krassowski](
- Upgrade all `codemirror` and `lezer` packages to latest [14413]( ([krassowski](
- Fix run-cells snapshot [14388]( ([krassowski](
- Do not override snapshots between update runs [14381]( ([krassowski](
- Upgrade dependencies [14339]( ([fcollonval](
- Upgrade jupyter/ydoc [14334]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to Playwright 1.32 [14323]( ([jtpio](
- Bump ipython from 8.11.0 to 8.12.0 [14316]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ipywidgets from 8.0.4 to 8.0.6 [14315]( ([dependabot](
- Bump jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-cn from 3.6.post0 to 3.6.post1 [14314]( ([dependabot](
- Bump black\[jupyter\] from 23.1.0 to 23.3.0 [14313]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.255 to 0.0.260 [14312]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/stale from 7 to 8 [14311]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.7.0 to 35.7.8 [14310]( ([dependabot](
- Be tolerant on map changes in UI test [14302]( ([fcollonval](
- Add context for translatable strings to avoid clash with 3.x [14297]( ([fcollonval](
- Add missing lumino package as singleton [14287]( ([fcollonval](
- Add `--skip-dev-build`, use with `yarn` invocation to fix binder [14273]( ([bollwyvl](
- Fix failing `check_links` job [14243]( ([krassowski](
- Enforce a minimal set of CSS selector complexity rules [14238]( ([krassowski](
- Specify peerDependencies to remove yarn warning [14230]( ([fcollonval](
- Update ESLint dependencies [14216]( ([jtpio](
- Update to TypeScript 5 final [14215]( ([jtpio](
- Fix 'completer with doc panel' UI test [14214]( ([brichet](
- Upgrade to lumino 2 final [14201]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.6.1 to 35.7.0 [14191]( ([dependabot](
- Update `webpack` dependencies [14189]( ([jtpio](
- Remove shebang from non-executable script node-version-check.js [14181]( ([frenzymadness](
- Remove deprecated code [14160]( ([fcollonval](
- Clean up events service types in preparation for release [14149]( ([afshin](
- Update to Lumino 2 RC 1 [14146]( ([jtpio](
- Switch to monthly dependabot update [14144]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.253 to 0.0.254 [14137]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ipython from 8.10.0 to 8.11.0 [14136]( ([dependabot](
- Bump matplotlib from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 [14135]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.6.0 to 35.6.1 [14134]( ([dependabot](
- Use upstream `Stream` instead of downstream stream [14123]( ([afshin](
- Bump vega from 5.22.1 to 5.23.0 [14119]( ([dependabot](
- Update to TypeScript 5.0 RC [14114]( ([jtpio](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.249 to 0.0.252 [14100]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.5.5 to 35.6.0 [14099]( ([dependabot](
- Bump to Lumino 2.0.0-rc.0 [14096]( ([fcollonval](
- Enable `--extensions-in-dev-mode` on Gitpod [14076]( ([jtpio](
- Update to Playwright 1.31.0 [14067]( ([jtpio](
- Install collaboration package on binder [14061]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump scipy from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 [14051]( ([dependabot](
- Bump matplotlib from 3.6.3 to 3.7.0 [14050]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.5.2 to 35.5.5 [14048]( ([dependabot](
- Increases timeout [14045]( ([brichet](
- Fix JupyterLab command on Gitpod [14043]( ([jtpio](
- Get dev binder up and running again [14038]( ([bollwyvl](
- Lazy load `lumino/datagrid` [14037]( ([bollwyvl](
- Update react-json-tree, replace react-highlighter with react-highlight-words [14034]( ([bollwyvl](
- Increase galata update timeouts [13985]( ([krassowski](
- Use node 18 for benchmark [13982]( ([fcollonval](
- Add back `types/react` as a dependency of `jupyterlab/apputils` [13981]( ([jtpio](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.242 to 0.0.246 [13980]( ([dependabot](
- Bump jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-cn from 3.5.post4 to 3.6.post0 [13979]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ipython from 8.9.0 to 8.10.0 [13978]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 [13977]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.5.0 to 35.5.2 [13976]( ([dependabot](
- Relax memory-leak action [13974]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix yarn.lock [13963]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix verdaccio start up with nodejs 18.14.0 [13959]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove rtc documentation [13952]( ([hbcarlos](
- Report benchmark status even in case of failure [13950]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove vdom packages [13949]( ([fcollonval](
- Import directly from jupyter_server [13942]( ([fcollonval](
- Use Python 3.11 for js-debugger tests [13941]( ([fcollonval](
- Update plugin name to `jupyterlab/filebrowser-extension:default-file-browser` [13936]( ([jtpio](
- Bump ipython from 8.0.0 to 8.9.0 [13935]( ([dependabot](
- Bump black\[jupyter\] from 22.12.0 to 23.1.0 [13934]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.238 to 0.0.241 [13933]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.4.4 to 35.5.0 [13932]( ([dependabot](
- Fix UI tests [13931]( ([fcollonval](
- Upgrade to TypeScript 5.0 beta [13925]( ([jasongrout](
- Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 [13922]( ([dependabot](
- Rename `jupyterlab/completer-extension:tracker` to `jupyterlab/completer-extension:manager` [13910]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve Galata [13909]( ([fcollonval](
- Lint fixes [13905]( ([JasonWeill](
- Switch to VEGALITE5_MIME_TYPE [13893]( ([ChristopherDavisUCI](
- Bump altair from 4.2.0 to 4.2.2 [13892]( ([dependabot](
- Add more linting [13882]( ([blink1073](
- upgrade to MathJax 3 \[with git history\] [13877]( ([dlqqq](
- Upgrade `jlpm` to yarn 3.4.1 [13875]( ([brichet](
- Update to Playwright 1.30 [13871]( ([jtpio](
- Update `jupyter_server_ydoc` as 0.6.2 is yanked [13864]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-cn from 3.2.post7 to 3.5.post4 [13843]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.226 to 0.0.230 [13842]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.4.3 to 35.4.4 [13840]( ([dependabot](
- Bump lumino packages to `2.0.0-beta.0` [13828]( ([krassowski](
- Bump matplotlib from 3.5.1 to 3.6.3 [13821]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ipywidgets from 7.6.6 to 8.0.4 [13820]( ([dependabot](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.177 to 0.0.226 [13819]( ([dependabot](
- Bump scipy from 1.7.3 to 1.10.0 [13818]( ([dependabot](
- Bump pandas from 1.3.5 to 1.5.3 [13817]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.4.1 to 35.4.3 [13816]( ([dependabot](
- Remove debug print in test [13814]( ([fcollonval](
- Clean examples [13812]( ([fcollonval](
- Dependabot alert on json5 [13808]( ([fcollonval](
- Dependabot alert on jsonwebtoken [13807]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix `preferred_dir` for examples [13788]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.4.0 to 35.4.1 [13785]( ([dependabot](
- Bump canvas to version with nodejs 18 binaries [13783]( ([fcollonval](
- Added config to link ts source maps [13765]( ([3coins](
- Drop support for Python 3.7 [13745]( ([jtpio](
- Drop the dependency on `jupyterlab/buildutils` in `jupyterlab/builder` [13741]( ([jtpio](
- Bump toshimaru/auto-author-assign from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2 [13738]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.2.1 to 35.4.0 [13737]( ([dependabot](
- Upgrades Python to 3.10, Node to 18 [13722]( ([JasonWeill](
- Require `jupyter_server>=2.0.1,<3` [13718]( ([jtpio](
- Fix environment activation on Gitpod [13715]( ([jtpio](
- Update copyright date to 2023 in the about dialog [13708]( ([jtpio](
- Updates documentation snapshots [13706]( ([brichet](
- Use `DocumentWidgetOpenerMock` [13703]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.1.0 to 35.2.1 [13692]( ([dependabot](
- Remove empty button in the notebook toolbar [13691]( ([trungleduc](
- Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 [13681]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/stale from 6 to 7 [13666]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 35.0.1 to 35.1.0 [13665]( ([dependabot](
- Remove empty license field in pyproject.toml [13654]( ([jtpio](
- Revert "Write the browser open files for test" [13640]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove `skipLibCheck` in the `vega5-extension` package [13630]( ([jtpio](
- Update to lerna 6.2.0 [13628]( ([jtpio](
- Remove log file otherwise it is committed [13627]( ([fcollonval](
- Use git command instead of GitHub action [13625]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 34.5.3 to 35.0.1 [13620]( ([dependabot](
- Remove old completer API [13615]( ([krassowski](
- Update to Playwright 1.29 [13612]( ([jtpio](
- Bump react 18 [13607]( ([brichet](
- Remove old editor user caret widget (dead code) and selection style [13586]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop typestyle [13584]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 34.5.0 to 34.5.3 [13574]( ([dependabot](
- Adopt ruff and clean up pre-commit [13562]( ([blink1073](
- Bump dessant/lock-threads from 3 to 4 [13540]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 34.3.0 to 34.5.0 [13539]( ([dependabot](
- Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 [13536]( ([dependabot](
- Update `terser-webpack-plugin` [13532]( ([jtpio](
- Fix accessing owner/repo in CI [13523]( ([fcollonval](
- Comment on the PR once the snapshots have been updated. [13516]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix for pytest-jupyter 0.5.2+ [13515]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump sanitize-html to 2.7.3 [13509]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix Python test dependencies [13508]( ([fcollonval](
- Depend on `jupyter/ydoc` instead of `jupyter-notebook/ydoc` [13506]( ([jtpio](
- Require jupyter-server-ydoc >=0.5.1 [13478]( ([davidbrochart](
- Test against Python 3.11 [13474]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop the `moment` dependency [13469]( ([jtpio](
- Force right sidebar size [13447]( ([fcollonval](
- Use default URL in test mock-up [13443]( ([fcollonval](
- Require jupyter_server_ydoc >=0.4.0 [13434]( ([davidbrochart](
- Clean up and update dependencies [13430]( ([fcollonval](
- Use more consistent naming for user service [13428]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove shared-model from labeler [13422]( ([fcollonval](
- tomllib is in stdlib in Python 3.11+ [13399]( ([frenzymadness](
- Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 [13396]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 34.0.2 to 34.3.0 [13391]( ([dependabot](
- Add jupyter-server-fileid to Binder [13370]( ([fcollonval](
- Integrity check does not clean style import when emptied [13367]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 33.0.0 to 34.0.2 [13355]( ([dependabot](
- Export return type of a public method [13354]( ([fcollonval](
- Check a core path is actually a package [13346]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix Binder for jupyter-server v2 [13344]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix the examples with jupyter-server v2 [13336]( ([fcollonval](
- Add mdformat plugins [13335]( ([blink1073](
- Removes empty requires list [13334]( ([hbcarlos](
- Switch to releaser v2 [13322]( ([blink1073](
- Deprecate managing source extensions with `jupyter labextension` [13321]( ([jtpio](
- Reduce ILayoutRestorer API surface area [13300]( ([afshin](
- Fix kernel snapshot in test documentation [13295]( ([brichet](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32.1.2 to 33.0.0 [13294]( ([dependabot](
- Remove `` script [13262]( ([jtpio](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 32.0.0 to 32.1.2 [13260]( ([dependabot](
- Check for unused file browser style rules in Galata [13256]( ([krassowski](
- Update to lerna 6 [13251]( ([jtpio](
- Fix documentation snapshot [13244]( ([fcollonval](
- Enable RTC by default when starting JL in the Gitpod setup [13239]( ([firai](
- Bump memory-leak action [13231]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix memory leaks [13229]( ([fcollonval](
- Update `pytest` and `pytest-check-links` dependencies [13219]( ([jtpio](
- Remove unused modelDBFactory [13213]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 31.0.3 to 32.0.0 [13212]( ([dependabot](
- Fix typo in the "Test Minimum Version" CI step [13210]( ([jtpio](
- Update to Playwright 1.27 [13205]( ([jtpio](
- Try the GitHub Playwright reporter on CI [13198]( ([jtpio](
- Update RJSF to latest stable version [13191]( ([brichet](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 31.0.1 to 31.0.3 [13171]( ([dependabot](
- Remove `width: 100%` of `jp-WindowedPanel-inner` [13157]( ([jtpio](
- Remove `width: 100%` of `jp-WindowedPanel-window` [13154]( ([jtpio](
- Bump lerna [13147]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to Playwright 1.26 [13140]( ([jtpio](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.7 to 31.0.1 [13130]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/stale from 5 to 6 [13129]( ([dependabot](
- Remove xeus-python installation for debugger test [13113]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.4 to 29.0.7 [13106]( ([dependabot](
- Revert "Pin hatch-jupyter-builder for now" [13084]( ([fcollonval](
- Pin hatch-jupyter-builder for now [13083]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 29.0.2 to 29.0.4 [13079]( ([dependabot](
- Remove dead code [13077]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove noisy log message [13073]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump to Lumino 2ᵅ⁶ [13062]( ([afshin](
- Switch to `pull_request_target` to have write permission on forks [13060]( ([fcollonval](
- Change compilation target from ES2017 to ES2018 [13053]( ([afshin](
- Fix GitHub script variable name [13050]( ([fcollonval](
- REST API is under a namespace in github-script [13043]( ([fcollonval](
- "Fix License Headers" CI check is failing [13041]( ([fcollonval](
- Update the Gitpod setup to use `micromamba` to bootstrap the dev environment [13030]( ([jtpio](
- Drop node-fetch for galata helpers [13029]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 28 to 29.0.2 [13025]( ([dependabot](
- Fix lumino API documentation links [13021]( ([fcollonval](
- Use `python-version` in the macos workflow [13014]( ([jtpio](
- Remove unneeded cm5 types in examples [13010]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to Lumino 2 [12992]( ([afshin](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 24 to 28 [12986]( ([dependabot](
- Fix copy the reference data for final report [12984]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop the pin on `jupyterlab_widgets` in the docs dependencies [12979]( ([jtpio](
- Add `(developer)` label to the developer facing commands [12970]( ([jtpio](
- Pin `jupyterlab_widgets==1.1.1` in `docs-screenshots` [12967]( ([jtpio](
- Update documentation welcome image [12957]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix dependabot alerts for ejs and got [12956]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump lerna to 5.x [12950]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump yarn.js to 1.22.19 [12949]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump toshimaru/auto-author-assign from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 [12922]( ([dependabot](
- Remove lumino/coreutils dependency from jupyterlab/buildutils [12910]( ([afshin](
- Log launcher error to console [12909]( ([trungleduc](
- Add `dev_mode/style.js` to the licenser ignore list [12902]( ([jtpio](
- Add license header fix to git-blame-ignore [12900]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump toshimaru/auto-author-assign from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 [12890]( ([dependabot](
- Update `` [12880]( ([jtpio](
- Add license header fix job [12872]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump toshimaru/auto-author-assign from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 [12854]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 23 to 24 [12853]( ([dependabot](
- Run `yarn-deduplicate` on `build:core` [12850]( ([jtpio](
- Update snapshots for challenger commit [12820]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 [12818]( ([dependabot](
- Update `verdaccio`, start registry on `` instead of `localhost` [12799]( ([jtpio](
- Run memory-leak tests on PR [12789]( ([fcollonval](
- Use Vega SVG renderer to drop canvas dependency [12785]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.4 [12781]( ([dependabot](
- Bump lumino/widgets to 1.33.0 [12777]( ([fcollonval](
- Removes lighthouse and markdown-loader-jest [12776]( ([fcollonval](
- \[memory-leaks\] Fixes following cell addition analysis [12774]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump parse-url from 6.0.0 to 6.0.2 [12773]( ([dependabot](
- Move YDocWebSocketHandler to jupyter-server [12772]( ([davidbrochart](
- Fix memory leaks [12750]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump version of `marked` and `types/marked` [12747]( ([krassowski](
- Bump shell-quote from 1.7.2 to 1.7.3 [12744]( ([dependabot](
- Remove unstubExtensionsSearch [12738]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump actions/cache from 1 to 3 [12722]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/stale from 4 to 5 [12721]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3 [12720]( ([dependabot](
- stub extension search in UI test [12714]( ([dlqqq](
- Update dev dependencies [12698]( ([jtpio](
- Bump actions/github-script from 3.1 to 6 [12693]( ([dependabot](
- Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 18.6 to 23 [12692]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/setup-python from 3 to 4 [12691]( ([dependabot](
- Bump pre-commit/action from 2.0.3 to 3.0.0 [12690]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 [12689]( ([dependabot](
- Update to TypeScript 4.7 [12683]( ([jtpio](
- Drop pre-commit from build dependencies [12680]( ([fcollonval](
- default to system node version in precommit [12679]( ([dlqqq](
- Remove scripts linked to test [12654]( ([fcollonval](
- Update codeql action from v1 to v2 [12645]( ([fcollonval](
- Update snapshot for the extension manager [12643]( ([jtpio](
- Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 3 [12642]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 [12641]( ([dependabot](
- Bump toshimaru/auto-author-assign from 1.3.4 to 1.5.0 [12640]( ([dependabot](
- Bump dessant/lock-threads from 2 to 3 [12639]( ([dependabot](
- Bump actions/setup-node from 2 to 3 [12638]( ([dependabot](
- Bump pre-commit/action from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3 [12637]( ([dependabot](
- Add bot to update github actions and remove codeql temporary fix [12634]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove unneeded build:all and test config [12618]( ([fcollonval](

Documentation improvements

- Add user facing changelog [14437]( ([jtpio](
- Add new release postmortem [14432]( ([jtpio](
- Fix documentation build on CI [14423]( ([jtpio](
- Harmonizes form renderer ids [14415]( ([brichet](
- Fix CI: remove/update broken docs links [14414]( ([krassowski](
- Switch to new extension template [14391]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve JavaScript API documentation [14367]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve jlpm migration guide [14362]( ([fcollonval](
- Document plugins and tokens [14360]( ([fcollonval](
- Document Backwards Compatibility, SemVer and Breaking Changes [14355]( ([ericsnekbytes](
- Align notebook trust behaviour with trust in classic Notebook [14345]( ([krassowski](
- Fix typo [14303]( ([davidbrochart](
- Update extension upgrade script [14279]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove archived repos from the post release checklist [14259]( ([jtpio](
- Fix failing `check_links` job [14243]( ([krassowski](
- Enforce a minimal set of CSS selector complexity rules [14238]( ([krassowski](
- Add note for jest configuration and JLab 3.6 [14207]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to mention the draft GitHub release [14188]( ([jtpio](
- Add the releaser workflows to the repo [14176]( ([jtpio](
- Remove deprecated code [14160]( ([fcollonval](
- Fixes documentation build [14104]( ([brichet](
- Bump to Lumino 2.0.0-rc.0 [14096]( ([fcollonval](
- Update the Classic Notebook FAQ section in the documentation [14070]( ([jtpio](
- Option to disable the autolink feature [14068]( ([cccs-nik](
- Move the file name searcher to the file browser toolbar [14064]( ([jtpio](
- Fix attachments [14052]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix RTC check and documentation [14047]( ([fcollonval](
- Get dev binder up and running again [14038]( ([bollwyvl](
- Using metadataform for default notebooktools [14026]( ([brichet](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.242 to 0.0.246 [13980]( ([dependabot](
- Mention how to fix pixman, cairo missing library errors that occur while running tests in readthedocs [13956]( ([andrii-i](
- Remove rtc documentation [13952]( ([hbcarlos](
- Remove vdom packages [13949]( ([fcollonval](
- Fixes toolbar button for Restart Kernel and Run All [13939]( ([JasonWeill](
- Improve Galata [13909]( ([fcollonval](
- Move RTC packages to an extension [13907]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix minor typo in urls.rst [13902]( ([chbrandt](
- Add more linting [13882]( ([blink1073](
- upgrade to MathJax 3 \[with git history\] [13877]( ([dlqqq](
- Upgrade `jlpm` to yarn 3.4.1 [13875]( ([brichet](
- Update language-packs workflow [13874]( ([fcollonval](
- Caret operator in documentation [13856]( ([JasonWeill](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.226 to 0.0.230 [13842]( ([dependabot](
- Improves translator API [13834]( ([hbcarlos](
- link nbclassic docs, note Lab 4 drop notebook dependency [13830]( ([RRosio](
- Improve form renderer registry [13823]( ([fcollonval](
- Bump ruff from 0.0.177 to 0.0.226 [13819]( ([dependabot](
- Bug fixes/revisions for the Lab extension tutorial [13813]( ([fcollonval](
- Updates jupyter_ydoc, removes the docprovider and uses drives as providers [13786]( ([hbcarlos](
- Merge Component registries [13769]( ([brichet](
- Remove deprecated `window.jupyterlab` [13767]( ([jtpio](
- Minor improvements to update the tutorial [13766]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix typo in release instructions [13754]( ([jasongrout](
- Upgrades Python to 3.10, Node to 18 [13722]( ([JasonWeill](
- Update notebook.rst [13717]( ([gabalafou](
- Fix links in `` [13698]( ([jtpio](
- update demo binder link to latest master [13697]( ([akhmerov](
- Update API documentation links [13695]( ([hsuanxyz](
- Update plugin ID of hub extension [13688]( ([mctoohey](
- Upgrades Xterm to v. 5 [13685]( ([JasonWeill](
- Improve completer rendering performance [13663]( ([krassowski](
- Use tokens to extend CodeMirror editors [13639]( ([fcollonval](
- Add the `scaleFactor` value from the embed options when creating the PNG representation for a Vega-based chart [13610]( ([joaopalmeiro](
- Bump react 18 [13607]( ([brichet](
- Copy edit for privacy policy docs [13594]( ([JasonWeill](
- Remove old editor user caret widget (dead code) and selection style [13586]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop typestyle [13584]( ([fcollonval](
- Documentation RTC and user service [13578]( ([hbcarlos](
- Adopt ruff and clean up pre-commit [13562]( ([blink1073](
- Sanitize notification message [13510]( ([fcollonval](
- Follow-on to events service [13485]( ([afshin](
- Drop the `moment` dependency [13469]( ([jtpio](
- Remove broken URL [13445]( ([fcollonval](
- Use default URL in test mock-up [13443]( ([fcollonval](
- Allows to pause the execution during debug [13433]( ([brichet](
- Update the tutorial to reflect the changes in the latest cookiecutter… [13417]( ([frivas-at-navteca](
- Move configuration to jupyter-server-ydoc [13413]( ([davidbrochart](
- Suggest adding video preview in PR template [13410]( ([andrii-i](
- Add announcements [13365]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix Binder for jupyter-server v2 [13344]( ([fcollonval](
- Add mdformat plugins [13335]( ([blink1073](
- Remove duplicate changelog marker [13325]( ([jtpio](
- Switch to releaser v2 [13322]( ([blink1073](
- Backport 3.5.0 changelog on master [13318]( ([fcollonval](
- Scroll to cell by ID based on hash fragment [13285]( ([krassowski](
- Correct starting docs: working directory path sample code [13261]( ([hugetim](
- Update [13257]( ([liliyao2022](
- Improve documentation [13232]( ([fcollonval](
- Update example documentation: `lab -> app` [13223]( ([davidbrochart](
- Relax doc provider API [13214]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove unused modelDBFactory [13213]( ([fcollonval](
- Update docs to `` [13208]( ([jtpio](
- Fix removing out of view cells [13194]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix broken links in file [13193]( ([brichet](
- Drop node-fetch for galata helpers [13029]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix lumino API documentation links [13021]( ([fcollonval](
- Support stateStorage for API calls [13015]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix customize expected reference [13009]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to Lumino 2 [12992]( ([afshin](
- Force using nbconvert v7 or higher for documentation [12990]( ([fcollonval](
- Update to TypeScript 4.7 in the migration guide [12985]( ([jtpio](
- Add notification queue and display using toast [12959]( ([telamonian](
- Prompt for renaming at first manual save [12953]( ([fcollonval](
- LSP follow-up [12899]( ([trungleduc](
- Split commands in two blocks in the contributing guide [12898]( ([jtpio](
- Document building JupyterLab on osx-arm64 platforms [12882]( ([SylvainCorlay](
- Add alt text to documentation [12879]( ([isabela-pf](
- Remove reference to unmaintained nb_conda_kernels [12878]( ([SylvainCorlay](
- Add license header fix job [12872]( ([fcollonval](
- New extension manager [12866]( ([fcollonval](
- Run kernel on cell execution when no kernel [12858]( ([a3626a](
- Don't suggest deprecated command [12855]( ([ryanlovett](
- Store Y updates [12852]( ([davidbrochart](
- Fixes renaming files from title while using a custom drive [12849]( ([hbcarlos](
- Removes info about meeting notes on Binder [12847]( ([JasonWeill](
- Adds version maintenance policy [12829]( ([JasonWeill](
- 12717 Add a new section: automation of local dev environments [12806]( ([markgreene74](
- Use Vega SVG renderer to drop canvas dependency [12785]( ([fcollonval](
- Removes lighthouse and markdown-loader-jest [12776]( ([fcollonval](
- Explicitly set language to `en` in `` [12707]( ([jtpio](
- Split the Document Manager extension into multiple plugins [12701]( ([jtpio](
- Add more explanation for internationalization (translation python package) [12635]( ([a3626a](
- Fix failing check links [12627]( ([jtpio](
- Update README wording [12610]( ([fcollonval](

API and Breaking Changes

- Harmonizes form renderer ids [14415]( ([brichet](
- Remove deprecated code [14160]( ([fcollonval](
- Move the file name searcher to the file browser toolbar [14064]( ([jtpio](
- Using metadataform for default notebooktools [14026]( ([brichet](
- Remove vdom packages [13949]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix LSP adapter errors on tab close [13918]( ([afshin](
- Switch to VEGALITE5_MIME_TYPE [13893]( ([ChristopherDavisUCI](
- upgrade to MathJax 3 \[with git history\] [13877]( ([dlqqq](
- Improve form renderer registry [13823]( ([fcollonval](
- Reduces the context of the form used in metadataform [13781]( ([brichet](
- Merge Component registries [13769]( ([brichet](
- Remove deprecated `window.jupyterlab` [13767]( ([jtpio](
- Upgrades Python to 3.10, Node to 18 [13722]( ([JasonWeill](
- Remove not needed `Completer.IRenderer.sanitizer` [13700]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove old completer API [13615]( ([krassowski](
- Remove old editor user caret widget (dead code) and selection style [13586]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop the `moment` dependency [13469]( ([jtpio](
- Move the toggle file browser logic to the widget [13466]( ([brichet](
- enable document model specific collaboration [13458]( ([dlqqq](
- Extract jupyterlab/shared-models to jupyter-notebook/ydoc [13389]( ([fcollonval](
- Store document info in the state not in a separate context map out of the document interface. [13317]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop modelDB from code editor [13247]( ([fcollonval](
- Use file ID [13246]( ([davidbrochart](
- Relax doc provider API [13214]( ([fcollonval](
- Remove unused modelDBFactory [13213]( ([fcollonval](
- Improve shared-models API [13168]( ([fcollonval](
- Drop node-fetch for galata helpers [13029]( ([fcollonval](
- New extension manager [12866]( ([fcollonval](
- Fixes renaming files from title while using a custom drive [12849]( ([hbcarlos](
- Split the Document Manager extension into multiple plugins [12701]( ([jtpio](
- Add events service [12667]( ([afshin](

Contributors to this release

([GitHub contributors page for this release](

[3coins]( | [a3626a]( | [aditya211935]( | [afshin]( | [agoose77]( | [ajbozarth]( | [akhmerov]( | [alec-kr]( | [Alexboiboi]( | [andrii-i]( | [athornton]( | [blink1073]( | [bollwyvl]( | [brichet]( | [c00kie123]( | [cccs-nik]( | [chbrandt]( | [ChristopherDavisUCI]( | [damiend97]( | [davidbrochart]( | [dependabot]( | [dlqqq]( | [dmonad]( | [kamalika0363]( | [domoritz]( | [echarles]( | [ellisonbg]( | [ericsnekbytes]( | [fcollonval]( | [firai]( | [FoSuCloud]( | [fperez]( | [frenzymadness]( | [frivas-at-navteca]( | [gabalafou]( | [GabrielaVives]( | [github-actions]( | [HaudinFlorence]( | [hbcarlos]( | [hsuanxyz]( | [hugetim]( | [isabela-pf]( | [jasongrout]( | [JasonWeill]( | [jmk89]( | [joaopalmeiro]( | [JohanMabille]( | [jtpio]( | [jupyterlab-probot]( | [kenyaachon]( | [kostyafarber]( | [krassowski]( | [kulsoomzahra]( | [liliyao2022]( | [malemburg]( | [markgreene74]( | [marthacryan]( | [martinRenou]( | [matthewturk]( | [mctoohey]( | [meeseeksdev]( | [meeseeksmachine]( | [mgcth]( | [minrk]( | [mlucool]( | [NikolayXHD]( | [oscar6echo]( | [peytondmurray]( | [pre-commit-ci]( | [psychemedia]( | [RobbyPratl]( | [RRosio]( | [rursprung]( | [siddartha-10]( | [steff456]( | [SylvainCorlay]( | [telamonian]( | [thetorpedodog]( | [thomasaarholt]( | [tonyfast]( | [trallard]( | [trungleduc]( | [vidartf]( | [vthinkxie]( | [welcome]( | [yangql176]( | [yanmulin]( | [yczhangsjtu]( | [yumyumqing]( | [yuvipanda]( | [zrottman]( | [Zsailer](


([Full Changelog](

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Bump lumino 1.x [14286]( ([fcollonval](
- Provide jupyterlab/shared-models as singleton [14229]( ([fcollonval](

Documentation improvements

- Provide jupyterlab/shared-models as singleton [14229]( ([fcollonval](

Contributors to this release

([GitHub contributors page for this release](

[andrii-i]( | [bollwyvl]( | [brichet]( | [damiend97]( | [fcollonval]( | [github-actions]( | [JasonWeill]( | [jtpio]( | [jupyterlab-probot]( | [krassowski]( | [welcome](


([Full Changelog](

Bugs fixed

- Fix save as without changing the file name [14212]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix save as in collaborative mode [14182]( ([hbcarlos](
- Fix non-document wide undo stack [14063]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix code/content/ui font-size change [14077]( ([FoSuCloud](
- Restore jupyterlab/shared-models as proxy to jupyter/ydoc [14133]( ([fcollonval](
- Doc session [14128]( ([hbcarlos](
- Use local paths instead of driveName:path in the shared model [13866]( ([hbcarlos](
- use singleton boolean type for codemirror `lineWiseCopyCut` setting [14055]( ([bollwyvl](

Maintenance and upkeep improvements

- Fix integrity [14226]( ([fcollonval](
- Increases timeout [14045]( ([brichet](
- Use Python 3.11 for js-debugger tests [13941]( ([fcollonval](
- Fix verdaccio start up with nodejs 18.14.0 [13959]( ([fcollonval](

Documentation improvements

- Add note for jest configuration and JLab 3.6 [14207]( ([fcollonval](

Contributors to this release

([GitHub contributors page for this release](

[andrii-i]( | [blink1073]( | [bollwyvl]( | [brichet]( | [bt-]( | [dlqqq]( | [domoritz]( | [echarles]( | [fcollonval]( | [fperez]( | [gabalafou]( | [GabrielaVives]( | [github-actions]( | [goanpeca]( | [HaudinFlorence]( | [hbcarlos]( | [ianhi]( | [jasongrout]( | [JasonWeill]( | [jtpio]( | [jupyterlab-dev-mode]( | [jupyterlab-probot]( | [krassowski]( | [meeseeksdev]( | [meeseeksmachine]( | [mlucool]( | [psychemedia]( | [telamonian]( | [tonyfast]( | [vidartf]( | [welcome](

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