- Changes to upper case sequences in seqtm() in oligotm.c because calls to `ThermoAnalysis.calcTm` returned 0.0 for strings with lower case letters - disabled existing tests on Windows due to incompatibility with process and memory calls. TODO: create more tests for `ThermoAnalysis`
- Fixes to `primerdesign_helpers.c` C macro errors. - Added the `todict(`)` methods in `t`hermoanalysis.pyx` for serialization help for tests there
- Remove unicode character from `README.rst`
- Migration of Cython extension build process to `build_clib` to remove Cython as a runtime requirement for `setup.py` (thanks to tdsmith)
- Fixed improper assignment of `"PRIMER_PAIR_MAX_COMPL_END_TH"` during design arg parsing
- Fixed issue where `pa->num_intervals` was not properly set via the bindings - Fixed typo that caused incorrect output for `PRIMER_PAIR_EXPLAIN`