What's Changed
* Extended alert list command with policy.name and policy.description by steven-deboer in https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/prismacloud-cli/pull/42
* Fixed deduplication issue by steven-deboer in https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/prismacloud-cli/pull/43
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PaloAltoNetworks/prismacloud-cli/compare/v0.4.16...v.0.4.18
Use case
Suppose you want to get an overview of alerts, use the alert list command. You have several options available to limit the results, for example only select resolved alerts.
- Tags are automatically extracted to new columns.
- You can select columns based on regex strings. For example, `id` shows all columns with id in their name, but `^id` shows only columns starting with id.
- You can use the --filter option to further narrow your search results, even based on dynamically added columns.
Get the alerts created in the last 5 minutes, show the id, alertTime, policy.name, policy.description, policy.policyType and resource.name.
`pc --columns ^id$,alertTime,policy.policyType,resource.name,resource.data.tagSets,policy.name,policy.description alert list --unit minute --amount 5`