
Latest version: v0.2.1

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This release includes the following fixes:

- `team_game_log.get_team_game_log()` now accounts for teams that had no bye week (fixes 39)
- `player_game_log.get_player_game_log()` now accounts for the fact that WRs and TEs did not have snap pct tracked before 2012 (fixes 47)
- `player_game_log.get_player_game_log()` now accounts for change in PFR naming conventions (fixes 48)


This release includes the following additions and changes:

- Can now retrieve a player's home-road splits as either averages or sums
- Can now retrieve a player's win-loss splits as either averages or sums
- Can now retrieve a team's home-road splits as either averages or sums
- Can now retrieve a team's win-loss splits as either averages or sums
- Changed names of player game log columns to be lowercase (e.g. 'result' instead of 'Result')
- Restructuring of the 'result' column in player game logs (see 43)


This version updates the Python requirement from 3.7 to 3.8 to be compatible with all build dependencies.


This library scrapes data from [Pro Football Reference]( Currently, its only functionalities are to scrape game logs of individual players and teams in a given season and return those game logs as a pandas DataFrame.



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