- InferenceProblem class
* One can now add latent parameters without explicitly defining a prior. When not stated, the prior will be assumed to be uninformative. The shortest way to do so is by: problem.add_parameter('a', 'model') for example. This is aiming at maximum likelihood problems, where no priors need to be defined.
* Removed independent '_priors'-attribute. It is now dynamically derived from the '_parameters'-attribute. By that, the priors are not stored at two locations anymore. The only place where a prior is stored now is the 'prior'-attribute of the corresponding parameter.
* Added parameter-consistency checks in the method check_problem_consistency.
* Removed private _add_prior-method. The adding of a prior is now done directly in the add_parameter method.
* Removed add_prior-test in
* Moved most code of add_parameter-method to Parameters-class.
- ParameterProperties class
* Removed '_role'-attribute. There is still a 'role'-property, which is derived from the '_index'-attribute.
* Added 'changed_copy'-method for writing on the private attributes.
* Added method check_consistency.
* Added corresponding tests in